- Outside the cinema, a man on a ladder was plastering an advertisement for a film on top of the old notice. 在电影院外面,站在梯子上的一个人正将电影广告贴在旧的布告上。
- We placed an advertisement for a cleaner in the local paper. 我们在当地报纸上登了广告,招一名清洁工。
- And I demanded that we should publish an advertisement of the particulars in the common newspaper. 但我仍坚持着要把详细情形在报纸上登一段启示。
- I followed up an advertisement for a second-hand Volkswagen. 看了广告后,我对二手的大众车作了进一步了解。
- publish an advertisement for 为 ... 登广告
- Outside the cinema,a man on a ladder was plastering an advertisement for a film on top of the old notice. 在电影院外面,站在梯子上的一个人正将电影广告贴在旧的布告上。
- But if one does recover, perhaps he'll print a thank you note in the papers using my name, an advertisement for me. 不过,病人能康复也不错,他会在报上登个感谢信提到我的名字,为我做广告。
- You might have read an advertisement for a job opening where the employer asked for resumes in ASCII format. 您可能读到过招聘广告,公司要求提供ASCII格式的简历。
- Supermodel Heidi Klum poses in an advertisement for Rosner jeans, a German clothing company. 一名工人正用砂光机打磨牛仔裤。工厂还对产品进行擦洗、水渍、撕扯、石洗。(以达到破旧的效果)
- He says the celebratedsong was first published in New South Wales as part of an advertisement for another national icon. 这首著名的歌曲第一次发表是在新南威尔斯,当时是作为另外一个民族。
- The removal of an advertisement for Taiwan President Lee Teng-hui's new book from a MTR station was politically motivated, the publisher alledged yesterday. (远流)出版社昨日质疑,地铁公司抽起台湾总统李登辉新著作的广告,背后有政治动机。
- A short filmed advertisement for a movie. 宣传片为电影做广告的简短影片
- They inserted an advertisement in the newspaper. 他们在这家报纸上刊登一则广告。
- To compile or publish an anthology. 编纂选集,出版选集
- This means that a potential customer might have to see an advertisement for your product or service dozens of times before they decide to make a purchase. 这意味着一个潜在顾客可能看到了你的产品或服务广告数十次作出决定前购买。
- I suggest that he put an advertisement in the local paper. 我建议他在当地的报纸上登条广告。
- We hired an advertising company for help to sell our product. 我们雇用了一家广告公司来推销我们的产品。
- Create and publish an e-newsletter. 创造并发布了电子通讯.
- His eyes fell upon (ie he saw) an advertisement in the magazine. 他看到杂志上的一则广告上。
- I must advertise for a new secretary. 我得刊登广告聘请一位新秘书。