- Most puffer fish poisoning is the result of accidental consumption of other foods that are tainted with the puffer fish toxin rather than from the ingestion of puffer fish itself. 大多数的河豚中毒是由于无意中食用了被河豚毒素污染的其他食物而不是食用了河豚。
- The poison, tetrodotoxin, is extracted from puffer fish. 这种毒药,也就是河豚毒素,是从河豚身上提取出来的。
- puffer fish poisoning 河豚中毒
- Puffer fish,I ask you to eat, our here has. 日本可能是美好的;可是它可能不太适合有抵制日货情节的人;有时候也会觉得是不是矛盾.......
- The results show that processed puffer fish is safe and is not toxic to human. 研究表明经过加工的河豚鱼烤鱼片是安全的,对人体无任何毒害作用。
- New code of practice issued to help prevent ciguatera fish poisoning. 本署向售卖海鲜业发出新的作业守则,以预防雪卡毒事故。
- Derris Jewel vine, the plant from which the fish poison rotenone is extracted. 鱼藤萃取鱼藤酮(一种杀虫剂,或鱼类麻醉剂)的植物。
- Other genome projects include mouse, rice, the plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the puffer fish, bacteria like E. coli, etc. 其他基因组计画包括老鼠、稻米、植物(阿拉伯芥)、河豚,和细菌(如大肠杆菌)等。
- The invention relates to a method of comprehensive utilization and processing of puffer fish. 本发明涉及一种河豚鱼综合利用加工方法。
- Reversal of the perception of heat and cold is characteristic of Ciguatera fish poisoning. 痛觉和冷觉的错位是拉美鱼肉毒中毒的特征。
- Eating puffer fish that contain this potent toxin can result in serious illness or death, the agency said.Monkfish do not contain tetrodotoxin. 管理局表示,食用含有该种致命毒素的河豚肉会引发严重的身体不适,甚至死亡,而一般的安康鱼并不含河鲀毒素。
- In order to utilize the puffer fish resources furthest,a research on the process technology of secure roasted puffer fish was conducted. 为了充分利用河豚鱼资源,本文对河豚鱼烤鱼片的安全生产技术进行了研究。
- A self-regulatory code of practice is issued to food premises selling live marine seafood in an effort to prevent and control ciguatera fish poisoning. 向售卖活海鲜的食物业处所派发自愿性的作业守则,以预防和控制因进食含有雪卡毒素鱼类而中毒的情况。
- As a result, puffer fish farmers in Japan have been able to breed non-poisonous puffer fish by restricting the fish's diet. 于是,日本的渔民已经可以通过控制河豚的食物来养殖无毒的河豚了。
- Being lack of a convenient and accurate detection method for ciguatoxin, Ciguatera fish poisoning have occurred from time to time. 由于目前对含雪卡毒素的鱼类缺乏一种简便、准确的检测手段,使得雪卡毒素中毒事件时有发生。
- Enter the predator. In this case, a river otter, cousin to the Yellowstone sliders. It's trying to make an afternoon snack out of the puffer fish. 突然,捕食者来了。在这里是一只在河流中生活的水獭,与黄石公园的水獭是表亲。它正在尝试将河豚作为自己的下午点心。
- Secondly, the head, the viscera, the body and the bone of the puffer fish are respectively treated, thereby implementing internal treatment. 再进行头部处理,内脏处理,胴体处理,鱼骨处理的鱼体内部加工。
- To provide references for detection and prevention of ciguatera fish poisoning, in this paper, the current detection methods of ciguatoxin were reviewed. 为给雪卡毒素中毒的预防及其检测提供借鉴,本文主要对雪卡毒素现有的检测分析方法进行了综述。
- The 35-year-old Chicagoan ordered 98 milligrams of Tetrodotoxin, a nerve toxin found in the Japanese puffer fish served as fugu, an expensive sashimi dish. 这位35岁的芝加哥人购买了98克的河豚毒素,这是一种在名叫河豚的日本鲀鱼的身上发现的神经毒物。河豚是一种昂贵的用来做生鱼片的鱼类。
- "Would you rather be back in Meremund, living in that drafty prison of a place my father gave me, with the smell of fish poisoning the air of even the highest balconies? “你宁可回Meremund领地,住在那个我父亲给我的通风良好的监狱,呼吸着那些即使是最高处的阳台也飘浮着的鱼腥味儿?”