- This kind of rack can be used to store large quantity while less type goods. The forklift will drive into the storage track for large density. 驶入式货架,适合存储批量大、品种少的货物,叉车可进入货道内存取货物,存储密度大。
- At this point,the products will be decreased in four aspects:less type ,less specification ,less chromatism and less wide-board . 产品将出现四个减少:材种少、规格少、色差少、宽板少,而指接、集成地板应用而生。
- The main is monotype and little type genus in the flora. 区系中以单型属和少型属居多,有中国特有属,无甘肃特有属;
- The habit that less type ,less specif ication ,less chromastism and less wide-board the habit that chinese like to buy aolid wood will continue,especially coastal areas. 中国人买地板以实木为主的消费习惯将不断的延续,尤其沿海地区,买涨不买落,体现用户的消费档次、身价、地位。
- Our company has sufitication cogineers, full in spection equipment.The compete procedure of cotter less type crank set is controlled by JISD9415-93 standard. 公司技术力量雄厚,制造工艺先进,检测手段完备,方孔曲柄链轮按日本国JISD9415-94标准进行全程控制,品种齐全,适应各种车型使用。
- Always feel little type thing, run to ramble then department store beguilement. 总觉得少了样东西,于是跑去逛百货公司散心。
- As you can see, there's a lot less typing involved, 8 lines instead of 12 lines. 可以看到,这段代码只需要较少的打字,只用了8行,而不是上例的12行。
- The main is monotype and little type genus in the flora.It has Sinic unique genus, but does not have Gansu's unique. 区系中以单型属和少型属居多,有中国特有属,无甘肃特有属;
- It was nothing less than a miracle. 那完全是个奇迹。
- These primitive parsers can be instantiated directly or through a templatized helper function. Generally, the helper function is far simpler to deal with as it involves less typing. 这些元素分析器可以直接或经由模板帮助函数实例化。使用帮助函数远比直接使用简单,就像它有更少的输入那样。
- Try to wear a colour that is less obtrusive. 尽量穿得颜色别太显眼。
- The audience was no less than five thousand. 听众有五千人之多。
- The audience was not less than five thousand. 听众至少也有五千人。
- They refused to accept less than the asking price. 他们言无二价。
- I read much less now than I did at school. 我现在看书远比我上学时少。
- I was clean broke in less than four days. 不到四天我就一个钱也没有了。
- The new restaurant fold up in less than a year. 这家餐厅不到一年就歇业了。
- I want you to lay by these use less prejudices. 我希望你丢开这些无益的偏见。
- Tetraodon sp. Hair puffer III... 毛3,毛三,毛毛,河豚,狗头
- You know even less about it than I do. 你对此事知道得比我还少。