- pull back foot 把脚缩回
- Then they had to restrain themselves and pull back. 这时,他们只好克制自己,撒了回来。
- In what competition, you have to always pull back? 哪项比赛是往后跑的?
- Pull back the throttle a little. 收一点油门。
- The enemy were forced to pull back. 敌军被迫退却。
- Freyda: What is this? They pull back? 法蕾妲:这是怎么回事?他们撤兵了?
- Pull back means run da OTHER way! 撤退等同逃跑!
- When the danger recedes, Mr Obama will pull back. 危机过后,奥巴马总统会撤销政府行为的。
- Step back with your back foot and place it on the centerline. 利用身体的重量而不是胳膊的力量来做这件事。
- The army pulled back after the battle. 部队在结束战斗以後撤走了。
- I pulled back the bench to help the old man sit on it. 我把长凳往后拉,帮助老人坐下。
- STEP2: Crouch slightly on your board, shifting your weight to your back foot. 第二步:微蹲,重心移到你的后腿上。
- STEP 2: Crouch slightly on your board, shifting your weight to your back foot. 第二步:微蹲,重心移到你的后腿上。
- Pull back To execute an orderly withdrawal, especially of troops. 撤退:尤指部队执行有秩序的撤退。
- Now is the time for you to pull back before it is too late. 现在是你悬崖勒马的时候了。
- When you sing the song,try not to pull back as it makes it dull. 你唱这首歌时,不要放慢速度,不然,会显得没有生气。
- When you sing this song,try not to pull back as it makes it dull. 你在唱这首歌时不要拖调,那样听起来很单调。
- The USA Airforce player WILL pull back directly without any doubt. 美国空军玩家毫无疑问会撤回卡曼奇。
- Hey, Manny. Can you pull back the tree and shoot me into the pond? 嘿!嘿!蛮尼.;你能把这颗树拉弯,并把我射到水池里去吗?
- Mr Abe's prescient summitry has gained him much respect in the region and at home, but China has been caught on the back foot. 安倍首相富有先见之明的最高层级外交为他在东亚地区与日本国内赢得了不少敬意,但朝鲜的背后一脚令中国陷于尴尬之境。