- Methods4 cases of congenital pulmonary vein stenosis were analyzed by the colour Doppler echocardiogram. 方法对4例先天性肺静脉狭窄患者的彩色多普勒超声心动图检测结果进行分析。
- Complications are generally in the 5% range and include pulmonary vein stenosis (that can be symptomatic), perforation, thromboembolism, and tamponade. 通常上会有5%25左右的人患上并发症,包括肺静脉狭窄(会有明显症状)、穿孔、血栓栓塞和压塞。
- congenital pulmonary vein stenosis 先天性肺静脉狭窄
- pulmonary vein stenosis 肺静脉狭窄
- A decrease in pulmonary vein diameter after radiofrequency ablation predicts the development of severe stenosis. 射频消融术后肺静脉直径的减小预示发生严重的肺静脉狭窄。
- Subclavian vein stenosis caused by non-hemodialysis reasons is uncommon. 非血液透析原因所致的锁骨下静脉狭窄少见。
- Observations during ablative encircling of pulmonary vein vestibules. 肺静脉口外环形消融的临床观察。
- One patient with TAPVD was performed reoperation because of pulmonary vein obstruction. 心内型TAPVD术后因残余肺静脉回流梗阻再手术1例。
- Cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) is not uncommon, but CVT associated with bilateral internal jugular vein stenosis (BIJVS) is rare. 摘要大脑静脉栓塞在目前并不少见,然而,大脑静脉栓塞合并两侧内颈静脉狭窄却是很罕见的。
- All veins except the pulmonary vein carry unaerated blood. 除了肺静脉以外,所有静脉输送的都是二氧化碳血。
- Focal Atrial Fibrillation Treated by Circumferential Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation of Pulmonary Vein Orifice. 导管射频肺静脉口环状消融治疗局灶性心房颤动。
- Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations(PAVMs) consist of a direct connection between the pulmonary artery and pulmonary vein. 摘要肺部动静脉畸形是由肺动脉直接连结肺静脉所形成。
- CDFI and contrast-enhanced ultrasonography were concordant with CTA of 57.1% and 100% (P<0.01) respectively of portal vein stenosis. CDFI诊断门静脉狭窄与CTA的符合率为57.;1%25;超声造影为100%25(P<0
- Impact of right upper pulmonary vein isolation on atrial vagal innervation and vulnerability to atrial fibrillation. 最紊乱的心房颤动波在肺静脉内及其口部的分布特点。
- Persistence of iatrogenic atrial septal defect after pulmonary vein isolation-an underestimated risk? 肺静脉隔离术后残留医源性房间隔缺损风险是否被低估?
- Except in the pulmonary vein venous blood is rich in carbon dioxide and poor in oxygen. 除了在肺静脉,静脉血中二氧化碳含量多而氧气含量少。
- Should circumferential pulmonary vein ablation be performed in all kinds of AF patients? 髦諥F病人均行环肺静脉线性消融?
- A clinical study of patients with and without recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation after pulmonary vein isolation. 对阵发性心房颤动病人肺静脉隔离术后无房颤复发病例的研究。
- In some patients, AF seems to be triggered by electrically active pulmonary vein foci. These foci can trigger the atria to fibrillate. 一些房颤患者似乎是被电活性肺静脉病灶触发,这些病灶能够触发心房使之纤维颤动。
- The tumors were adhered to one side of pulmonary vein in 9 cases pathologically the adventitia of vein was invaded by the neoplastic tissue. 手术所见9例肿瘤与肺静脉一侧壁粘连,病理观察肿瘤只侵及血管外膜。