- Globalization has brought market integration. 全球化带来了市场的一体化。
- What is the institutional foundation influenced the process of Market integration? 影响市场一体化进程的市场分割和地方保护的制度基础是什么?
- Brian M.Lucey,James Steeley.Measuring and assessing the effects and extent of international bond market integration. 王丽娟;王影;周丽.;政府行为对中国企业债券市场影响分析[J]
- To understand the problematic of consumer protection in the common market context is to understand the core issue of European market integration. 理解共同市场范围内的消费者保护问题是理解欧洲市场一体化的核心问题。
- The first-lagged SHFE and LME market volatilities, SHFE trading volume, LME excess returns are the determinants of dynamic market integration. 影响两个市场动态整合度的因素有滞后一期的市场风险、沪铜成交量、伦铜的超额收益等。
- Develop and integrate the Chinese market as part of the Global Purchasing Market of our Group in coordination with the Global Purchase Center based in our Headquarter. 将中国市场作为集团全球采购市场的一部分进行发展及整合,在总部的要求下与全球采购中心进行调节。
- Invigorate the market economy and opening to the outside world, with the international market integration has become China's request. 搞活市场经济、对外开放、与国际市场接轨,已经成为全中国的要求。
- Suk-Joong Kim,Fariborz Moshirian,Eliza Wu.Evolution of international stock and bond market integration:Influence of the European Monetary Union. 侯杰;王长江;刘晓辉.;新制度经济学视角下的我国企业债券市场的发展[J]
- Market integration will be inevitable, and a stable financial situation, a good brand reputation and the standardization of curriculum, will become the trend to integration. 市场整合在所难免,而稳健的财务状况、良好的品牌信誉和标准化的课程体系,将成为整合的趋势所向。
- Nowadays, world economy unstoppably develops towards the direction of global market integration, enterprise survival digitalization, business competition international. 当今世界经济正以势不可挡的趋势朝着全球市场一体化、企业生存数字化、商业竞争国际化的方向发展。
- Purchase Market Based on Dynamic Attribute and Its Search System 基于动态属性的采购市场及其搜索系统
- I'd like to purchase what I need for the night. 我想要购买过夜所需的用品。
- Without confirmation of trading patterns, the occurrence of high price correlations might arise from common climatic patterns or changes in the stock of money rather than from market integration. 如果没有确定贸易模式,较高价格相关性的出现可能源于通常的气候类型或者货币存量的变化而不是市场整合。
- Paul B.Pieper &Robert C.Vogel,1997.Stock market integration in Latin America[Z].consulting assistance for economic reform paper,directed by Harvard Institute for International Development (HIID). 陈思廷.;参与型国际存托凭证发行之投资者保护法制[Z]
- Optimization of credit transaction regulation is essential to mitigate risks and ensure market integrity. 摘要完善信用交易监管,是防范风险、维护市场稳定的重要手段。
- He managed to secure a loan to purchase a house. 他设法弄到一笔贷款买了一栋房子。
- Suzhou Sphinx Food Co., Ltd.Has developed into an independent research and development, producation, marketing integration enterprise. 苏州斯芬克斯食品有限公司已发展成为自主研发、生产、销售一体化企业。
- The purchase price is less if you pay by cash. 付现金的话,价钱便宜些。
- Much emphasis was given to the adverse effects of high-profile corporate failures on confidence and trust in market integrity. 大家都认为大型企业倒闭对市场操守的信心构成不利影响。
- We engaged in all kinds of knives, scissors, wire products and related appliances, production and marketing integration of private enterprises, the strength of the company. 本公司主要从事各种刀具、剪刀,铁线工艺品及相关用具生产销售一体化的私有企业,公司实力雄厚。