- pure nickel rotary screen 圆筒印花镍网
- Pure nickel deposits were obtained from the traditional Watt nickel plating bath by pulse electroplating . 采用传统的瓦特镀液通过脉冲电镀制得纯镍镀层。
- Pure nickel, excellent general properties. Used to weld thin cast iron part and repair welding machined surface, such as guided way of machine tool. 纯镍,综合性能好。铸铁薄件及加工面补焊用,如机床导卫。
- The practice shows that the method is fully suited to measure the content of Magnesium, Manganese and Iron in the Pure nickel. 适用于纯镍中镁、锰、铁含量控制分析和样品系统分析。
- Accumulating years of experience in the field, we are in a better position to serve domestic customers' need in rotary screen printing. 依靠多年的经验积累,我们提供的产品更能满足国内厂家对轮转丝网印刷的要求。
- The pure nickel nanopowders were prepared by DC arc plasma evaporation method using self-designed and fabricated experimental apparatus. 采用自行研制的试验装置,用直流电弧等离子体蒸发法制备了高纯度的纳米镍粉。
- This paper introduces the main characteristics of SL304 photogelatin for rotary screen stenciling which can quickly cure at lower temperature. 介绍了SL304中温节能快速固化圆网制版感光胶的主要性能特点。
- A method for the determination of cobalt in pure nickel by N2O-C2H2 flame atomic absorption spectrometry has been proposed. 提出了运用N2O-C2H2火焰原子吸收光谱法测定纯镍中钴含量的方法。
- Uneven printing of broad stripe, dim shade of slim stripe and rough outline will be engaged during striping of rotary screen printing. 网印条子花型生产过程中容易产生宽条色泽不均匀、细条色泽萎暗、边线毛糙等问题。
- Company Introduction: RNP Automation Inc is the only local manufacturer of rotary screen printing equipment and consumables in China. 公司简介:爱因匹自动化设备(深圳)有限公司是国内唯一提供轮转丝网印刷设备及材料的公司。
- The pure nickel freeze drum which was a post-treatment equipment for the production of chloroprene rubber was manufactured using nickel as main material. 用镍做主体材料,研制出氯丁橡胶生产用后处理设备纯镍冷冻转鼓。
- This method was examined by the experimental results of indention loading curves for pure nickel and aluminum alloy 8009, and good agreement was obtained. 作为实例,对纯镍及铝合金8009的纳米压入加载曲线进行了分 析,并按所提方法确定了Berkovich压头的绝对钝化量,结果与实测符合较好。
- The new sensitive material of rotary screen was prepared with diazo-colophony photosensitizer and polyethylene alcohol、epoxy adhesive 、delitescent solidified agent. 本文用重氮树脂光敏剂与聚乙烯醇、粘合剂、潜伏性固化剂配伍,研制成新型圆网感光材料。
- D'Addario XL strings feature nickelplated steel, but D'Addario's new XL Pure Nickel strings offer a warmer, vintage tone alternative which many enthusiasts prefer. 达达里奥XL系列采用镍钢为原材料,但是新的XL纯镍琴弦为那些狂热的演奏者们提供了更温暖更经典的音色。
- Our scope of supplies include rotary screen printing press, pre-press system and its toolings and consumables, UV ink and scratch-off silver vanish from France. 我们的产品包括轮转丝网印刷组,印前制版系统及相关工装和耗材,法国UV油墨和刮开式彩票用银油。
- It retains the same flexible platform technology, allowing users to include UV-flexo, rotary screen, letterpress and gravure print processes, plus hot and cold foiling. 它保留相同的灵活的平台技术,使用户能够包括紫外柔印,圆网,凸版印刷和凹版印刷工艺,加上热冷挫败。
- The new sensitive material of rotary screen was prepared with diazo-colophony photosensitizer and polyethylene alcohol、 epoxy adhesive、 delitescent solidified agent. 本文用重氮树脂光敏剂与聚乙烯醇、合剂、伏性固化剂配伍,研制成新型圆网感光材料。
- The influence of Lanthanum, Cerium, Yttrium, Praseodymium and Neodymium on weld hot cracking susceptibility of the pure nickel electrode used for cold welding of cast iron was studied. 研究了纯镍铸铁焊条冷焊时,稀土金属镧、铈、镨、钇及钕对焊缝热裂纹敏感性的影响规律,并分析了铈对焊接接头力学性能和加工性能的影响。
- For pellet mill, extruder, hammer mill, pulverizer, crumbler, rotary screener. 制粒机、膨化机、粉碎机、微粉碎机、破碎机、分级筛等设备配件、易损件。
- In this paper,the characteristics and selection of flat screen printing machine,rotary screen printing machine,stentering and heat setting dryer,open width washing machine were all introduced. 介绍平网和圆网印花机,以及拉幅、热定形、烘燥机和平幅水洗机的基本特性及其选择。