- They purpose a further attempt. 他们意图做进一步的尝试。
- The runner made a further attempt on the5,000 meters record that summer. 那年夏天,这位长跑运动员再次试图打破5,000米的记录。
- The runner made a further attempt on the5, 000 meters record that summer. 那年夏天,这位长跑运动员再次试图打破5,000米的记录。
- They purpose making/to make a further attempt 他们有意做进一步的尝试.
- In a further attempt to clamp down, residents say Burmese authorities have cut off Internet access. 缅甸居民说,当局加紧压制,切断了互联网连接。
- Walker.We purpose a further exploration in theoretics and application on a basis of research production in Southeast University. 本文在东大研究组成果的基础上,做进一步的理论与应用方面的探索研究。
- And now comes its proposal to transform the monument, at the risk of angering loyalists who see any change as a further attempt to downgrade the man they revere as their savior. 而现在有人冒著激怒佛朗哥忠诚者的危险,提案变更纪念碑。任何改变将被忠诚者视为是进一步企图贬低他们尊敬的救主。
- There's been a further devaluation of the dollar. 美元继续贬值。
- A further complication was Fred's refusal to travel by air. 更麻烦的是弗雷德不肯坐飞机。
- A further example; a further delay. 另一个例子; 另外的推迟
- Further attempt at concealment was useless. 再伪装下去就无意义了。
- A further complication is Fred's refusal to travel by air. 另一个难题是弗莱德拒绝乘飞机旅行。
- A further complication was his refusal to travel by air. 更麻烦的是他不肯坐飞机旅行。
- Life on a farm is a far cry from what I've been used to. 农场生活与我已过惯的日子迥然不同。
- It was a far fetch from Jane's house to the moor. 简的家离那片荒野地有相当长一段距离。
- A further cause of nervous strain was Buller. 另一个令人情绪不安的原因是布勒引起的。
- The scientist is doing experiments no one has so far attempted. 科学家们正在作一项迄今为止没人做过的实验。
- I'm afraid we can't give you a further discount. 我们不能再给折扣了。
- She engineered a further meeting with him. 她精心安排又和他见了一面。
- The revised edition is to all intents and purposes a new book. 修订本实际上是一本新书。