- Some plants push their roots deep into the soil. 一些植物的根深深长入土中。
- push their luckvi. 在很有利的形势下作多余的冒险(期望好运持续)
- The plants push their roots deep into the soil. 植物深深地扎根于土中。
- How hard should parents push their daughters? 父母应怎样敦促女儿?
- If their luck holds, they could still win the championship. 他们假若能继续交好运,还能获得冠军。
- If their luck holds,they can still win the championship. 他们假若能继续交好运,还能获得冠军。
- My grandparents emigrated to Canada to try their luck there. 我的祖父母移民到加拿大去碰碰运气。
- Fishermen try their luck in ponds& def lakes and rivers. 渔夫在池塘、泊和河川里试他们的运气。
- Some young people push their parents aside after their marriage. 有些年轻人结婚之后就不管父母了。
- If their luck holds, they can still win the championship. 他们假若能继续交好运,还能获得冠军
- Fishermen try their luck in ponds &def lakes and rivers. 渔夫在池塘、湖泊和河川里试他们的运气。
- Stocks are dicey but people bet on their luck to strike rich! 人人闻股色变,可是人人也希望成为股神,一朝飞黄腾达!
- Japan's business and political leaders must be cursing their luck. 日本商界和政界领袖一定在抱怨运气不好。
- They are pushing their ideas with an almost evangelical fervor. 他们以一种近似福音传道的热情来推行他们的主张。
- Fishermen try their luck in ponds&def lakes and rivers. 渔夫在池塘、湖泊和河川里试他们的运气。
- The rest of the expedition members are hoping their luck holds. 探险队的剩余人员都希望能交好运。
- Some constructions gradually fall out of use, others push their way in. 有些结构不用了,而另一些结构又出现了。
- They pushed their way through the undergrowth. 他们在灌木丛中开路前进。
- The Soviets pushed their proposal at that juncture. 苏联人在这个时候大力推行他们的建议。
- Most people would sooner take up a job at home than try their luck abroad now. 如今,好多人宁愿在国内工作也不愿去国外碰运气。