- She put into words what he had felt rather vaguely. 她用语言把他模模糊糊地意识表达出来了。
- Mum is an adjective which means silent or not put into words. 这个形容词是指沉默无言或不作声;
- He had something to prove, something that would sound trite if it were put into words. 他已经证实了一些东西,一些如果讲出来听将会是很平凡的东西。
- Euclid, Euler and all the others discovered and put into words things that were already there. 欧几里德、欧拉,以及其他数学家们,只不过是发现了这些规律,加以文字表述而已。
- Cathy Whitaker: It's hard to put into words, really. I just know what I care for and what I don't. Like this... I do not know how to pronounce it... Mira? 凯西·惠特克:这很难用语言来表达,真的。我只知道我所关心的和我不关心的。就像这个...我不知道该怎么念它...米拉?
- Cathy Whitaker: It's hard to put into words, really. I just know what I care for and what I don't. Like this... I don't know how to pronounce it... Mira? 凯西·特克:这很难用语言来表达,真的。我只知道我所关心的和我不关心的。就像这个...我不知道该怎么念它...米拉?
- What Melanie said was no more than Scarlett had been thinking but hearing it put into words infuriated her, shamed her as if her secret cowardice was written plainly in her face. 其实媚兰说的也就是思嘉一直想着的事,可是思嘉听见她说出来反而恼羞成怒了,仿佛她内心的怯懦已明明白白地流露在脸上,被媚兰看透了似的。
- But when I think of his patience under adversity, of his courage under fire, and of his modesty in victory, I am filled with an emotion of admiration I cannot put into words. 可是,当我想到他们在灾难中的坚忍,在战火里的勇气,成功的谦虚,我满怀的赞美之情是无法言状的。
- This woman enabled me to put into words what I had been searching for _ the altruistic, as well as the personal, reasons for taking happiness seriously. 这位女士正好使我道出了我一直想说的话:也就是认真对待幸福的外在原因,而那同时也是内在的原因。
- Mathematical laws are universal and have remained unchanged since the beginning of time. Euclid, Euler and all the others discovered and put into words things that were already there. 数学规律从古至今是放之四海而皆准的普遍真理。欧几里德、拉等等数学家们,只不过把这些规律发现了然后用文字表述出来罢了。
- She's learned to say thing with her eyes that others waste time putting into words. 别人把时间浪费于以唇舌来表现,她却学会了用眼睛来说话了。
- The speaker is putting into words what is happening, objectively, clearly, and totally dispassionately. 讲话者正在用语言客观地,清楚地,完全冷静地来讲述正在发生着的事情。
- The thief was put into prison for one year. 小偷被监禁一年。
- The prisoner was put into the jail with fetters. 这个犯人被戴上脚镣投进了监狱。
- The deceiver was put into prison. 那个骗子被关进监狱。
- He was trying to put his feelings into words. 他试图用语言表达自己的感情。
- Those prodigals were put into prison. 那些挥霍者被关进监狱。
- The scoundrel was arrested and put into prison. 这个恶棍被逮捕并被投进了监狱。
- In the old ages, lepers were often put into fire. 在过去,麻疯病患者经常被扔进大火中烧死。
- Money put into the credit cards is at call. 划入信用卡的钱可以随时支取。