- John ran to the edge of the lake and plunged in. 约翰跑到湖边,跑进了水里。
- My garden extends to the edge of the river. 我家的花园一直延伸到河边。
- Don't go too near to the edge of the cliff. 别走到离悬崖边缘太近的地方去。
- He ran to the edge of the lake and plunged in. 他跳到湖边,猛地跳进水里。
- We slowly made our way to the edge of the crater. 我们慢慢向走。
- Point to the edge of the To-Do Bar. 指向“待办事项栏”的边缘。
- Point to the edge of the expanded Navigation Pane. 指向展开的“导航窗格”的边缘。
- You've stepped to the edge of the looking glass. 你已经走到镜子的边缘了。
- The enemy have advanced to the edge of the forest. 敌人已经来到森林边缘。
- I crept to the edge of the rock garden. 我悄悄地爬到假山花园的边上。
- The entire population of the town was put to the sword by the conqueror. 全镇的居民都遭到征服者的屠杀。
- Thousands of people were put to the sword. 成千上万人受到杀害。
- All the prisoners were put to the sword. 所有的俘虏都被处死了。
- He ran to the edge of the lake and plunged in . 他跳到湖边,猛地跳进水里。
- Carried the line to the edge of the page. 划线延伸至书页的边缘。
- Would you accompany me to the edge of the sea? 你愿意陪伴我到海角去么?
- He cut the ball back to the edge of the area. 他将球削回到对方球台边缘。
- put to the edge of the sword 杀死
- be put to the edge of the sword 被杀死
- O'Brien had tortured him to the edge of lunacy. 奥勃良快把他折磨到了神经错乱的地步。