- Before it was fully discussed, the question was put to the vote. 这个问题还未来得及充分讨论就得交付表决。
- A soldier's courage is put to the proof in battle. 士兵的勇气在战斗中得到考验。
- The motion was put to the assemblage. 这项提议已提交大会了。
- He was put to the question,but he closed his mouth sharply and said nothing. 他受到拷问,但他紧闭嘴巴,什么也没说。
- His remark did not pertain to the question. 他的话同这个问题不相干。
- He was put to the question, but he closed his mouth sharply and said nothing. 他受到拷问,但他紧闭嘴巴,什么也没说。
- The politician was completely flummoxed by the questions put to her. 那位女政治家被问得十分狼狈。
- I just want a straight answer to the question. 我只需要得到对这个问题的明确答案。
- The motion was put to the assembly. 这项动议已提交给大会了。
- Shall we go down to the question of inspection? 我们谈一下商品检验问题好吗?
- Your answer to the question is correct. 你对这个问题的回答是正确的。
- The answer to the question is full of paradox. 对这个问题的回答矛盾百出。
- It's time we got on to the question of costs. 我们该讨论费用问题了。
- His courage was put to the test. 他的勇气受到考验。
- Don't talk round the question; come straight to the point. 不要在这个问题上绕圈子,开门见山地谈吧。
- The answer to the question cost her much careful thought. 回答这个问题使她不得不做周密的思考。
- Theories must be put to the test of practice. 理论必须通过实践来检验。
- Herein lies the keys to the questions. 里面包含着问题的答案。
- A soldier rs courage is put to the proof in battle. 士兵的勇气在战斗中得到考验。
- That strategy would now have to be put to the test. 现在需要对这一策略进行考验。