- put work off steamadj. 拿出精力
- I go out for a long walk when I feel anxious; it helps me to work off steam. 我感到忧虑时,就外出长时间的散步,这样有助于我消愁解闷。
- I like to go out for a long walk when I feel anxious,it helps me to work off steam. 我感到忧虑时,喜欢出去长时间的散步,这样有助于我消除愁闷。
- I like to go out for a long walk when I feel anxious, it helps me to work off steam. 我感到忧虑时,喜欢出去长时间的散步,这样有助于我消除愁闷。
- Parents must let children blow off steam sometimes. 做父母的有时必须让孩寸们吵吵闹闹,发泄发泄。
- John tried to work off the story as his own. 约翰想冒称这个故事是他写的。
- He tries to shuffle his work off onto others. 他想把工作推给别人。
- Have you done all this work off your own bat? 这些工作都是你独立完成的吗?
- The children were out in the playground letting off steam. 那些孩子在操场上玩,宣泄过剩的精力。
- Being an expert, he was able to pick a hole in our work off hand. 作为一名专家,他一下子就能挑出我们工作中的毛病。
- I just needed to blow off steam. 我只想出出闷气而已。
- When you boil water it gives off steam. 当你把水烧开时,它就会散发出蒸汽。
- Mr Johnson worked off his anger by chopping wood. 约翰逊先生用劈柴的方法来发泄他的怒气。
- Why don't most of us put work and human satisfaction together? 为什么我们大多数人不把工作和人的满足联系起来呢?
- I went for a long walk to let off steam. 我想宣泄一下,去远远地散了一趟步。
- The children are blowing off steam inn the garden. 孩子们在花园里释放精力。
- Blow off steam To give vent to pent-up emotion. 释放被压抑的情感。
- We ended the work off with a flourish. 我们圆满地结束了工作。
- He just needed to blow off steam. 最好以后再跟他谈吧,他要发怒了。
- Finish the work off before you go home. 你回家前应先把工作做完。