- A happy marriage depends largely on give and take. 美满的婚姻在很大程度上取决于互敬互让。
- You ought to diet and take more exercise. 你应该节食并多做运动。
- This news made us all sit up and take notice. 这消息立即引起我们大家的注意。
- She tell the child to stay put and wait for her return. 她叫小孩待在原地不要动,等她回来。
- Join in with us and take the risk. 来和我们一起冒这次风险吧。
- We have to bait here and take some food. 我们必须在这休息一会,吃点东西。
- She told the child to stay put and wait for her return. 她叫小孩待在原地不要动,等她回来。
- Legislation will be difficult and take time. 立法将是困难而又费时的。
- He buy her trinket and take her to the theater. 他给她购买小装饰品并带她去看戏。
- He told me to come at7 and take pot luck. 他让我七点钟来吃顿便饭。
- Be calm and take thing as they come. 冷静些,事情既然这样了,就随它去吧。
- Be sensible and take your umbrella with you. 聪明些把伞带上。
- Both will have to learn to give and take. 双方都得学会互相让步。
- We should put and end to any waste in our work. 大家必须杜绝在工作中的浪费现象。
- Stop for a while and take a rest. 停一会儿休息休息。
- The sons of Ham: Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan. 含的儿子是古实、麦西、弗、迦南。
- Be calm and take things as they come. 冷静点,既来之则安之吧。
- The sons of Ham: Cush and Mizraim, Put and Canaan. 8含的儿子是古实、麦西、弗、迦南。
- Come along and take potluck with us. 跟我们一块儿吃顿便饭吧。
- Question on the amendments put and agreed to. 修正案之议题付诸表决,并获可决。