- pyretic dryness and frigidity 火燥火寒
- I had kept my matches dry and soon struck a light. 我没让我的火柴受潮,我一擦就擦着了。
- Mars is too dry and poor in oxygen. 火星上面过于干燥,并且缺乏氧气。
- The ship was dry and no liquor was allowed. 船上是禁酒的,不准卖含酒精的饮料。
- The land in this region is dry and parched. 这个地区的土地很干燥。
- She seemed to her very ugly, affected, and frigid. 她仿佛觉得她很不好看,既虚伪而冷淡。
- My throat's dry and a bit sore; perhaps I've got a cold coming on. 我的喉咙很干,还有点痛,可能我开始感冒了。
- Some lines due to dryness and lack of water. 而是因为缺水引起的干燥纹。
- The land in this region is rather dry and parched. 这片土地十分干燥。
- Grilled fish is drier and less greasy than fried fish. 烤鱼比煎鱼干些并且油脂少些。
- Sometimes mature skin can be dry and flaky. 有时成熟的肌肤干燥而且容易剥落。
- Mercury is too dry and poor in oxygen. 水星上面过于干燥,并且缺乏氧气。
- The land in this region is very dry and parched. 这个地区的土地很干燥。
- Normal, dry and various deaquation skins. 适用中干性及各种干燥缺水性肌肤。
- How do you make your hair dry and fluffy? 你是怎么使你的头发变得干松的?
- Mercury is too dry and poor in oxygen . 水星过于干燥并且缺乏氧气。
- The street was bone dry and glaring white. 马路上一个水点也没有,干巴巴的发着些白光。
- Her throat felt dry and constricted. 她感到喉咙发干发紧。
- The ground was dry and firm underfoot. 脚下踩的土地又干又硬。
- Open-air centres will appear not just in temperate places like southern California but also in muggy Houston and frigid Massachusetts. 露天购物中心不但遍布于气候温和的南加利福尼亚,也在闷热的休斯敦和寒冷的马萨诸塞州扎根成长。