- pyretic malnutrition 心疳
- His illness ensued from malnutrition. 他的病是营养不良引起的。
- Disease oftenfollows malnutrition. 疾病的发生常是营养不良的结果。
- The first problem is malnutrition and obesity. 还有一个问题:问题之一是营养不良和肥胖。
- Famine differs from chronic malnutrition. 饥荒不同于慢性营养不良。
- His illness arose from malnutrition. 他的病因营养不良而引起。
- Improper food can cause malnutrition. 不适当的食物能引起营养不良。
- So why does malnutrition remain so prevalent? 那么为什么营养不良的情况还这么普遍呢?
- It is a classic case of malnutrition. 这是营养不良的典型病例。
- Excessive dieting will result in malnutrition. 过度节食会导致营养不良。
- His belly is distended by malnutrition. 他的肚子因营养不良而肿胀。
- Disease often follows malnutrition. 疾病常常起因于营养不良。
- The children's stomachs were distended by malnutrition. 孩子们的胃因营养不良而肿胀了。
- Depigmentation of the hair and spooned nails point to malnutrition. 头发脱色和匙状甲表明营养不良。
- Their bodies had suffered contortion as a result of malnutrition. 由于营养不良他们的躯体都变了形。
- The symptoms of lead poisoning are much like those of malnutrition. 铅中毒的症状和营养不良极为相似。
- Children in the drought stricken area suffered from malnutrition. 遭受旱灾地区的儿童们患有营养不良疾病。
- Thousands of children in Africa succumbed to malnutrition. 成千上万的非洲孩子死于营养不良。
- The most common cause is alcohol abuse with malnutrition. 最常见的原因是慢性酒精中毒及营养不良。
- This is caused by malnutrition and drinking dirty water. 这种症状是由于营养不良和饮用不干净水引起的。