- On the Educational Value of Wushu in College P.E. 浅析武术在我国学校体育教育中的价值。
- What are the main points of wushu ethics? 武术的道德要点是什么?
- qigong of wushu 武术气功
- Jeff: It is not very hard to learn. The main form of wushu is routine exercise. 杰夫:学习并不太难,武术的主要运动形式是套路练习。
- Tai Ji is always considered lost knowledge of Wushu. 太极一直被人们视为一种武林绝学。
- Researching about the Innovation of Wushu Optional Course in College P.E. 高校公共体育武术选项课开展模式创新之研究。
- A: The value of Wushu itself is very high. It can strengthen physical health. 武术本身的价值很大,可以强身健体。
- These characteristics of Wushu have brought great difficulty to Wushu teaching. 武术的这些特征为其教学带来很大的难度。
- The contents of wushu are rich and colorful. It is suitable to people of all ages. 武术的内容丰富多彩,适合各种年龄、职业的人练习。
- Wang Ping: You can help us to disseminate the spirits of wushu after you have mastered it. 王平:那你们学了以后,可以把中国武术的精神传播得更广。
- Establishing some of new difficult project can learn again on the foundation, activity of such as spherule, swim, various shadowboxing or the sanitarian qigong of all sorts of types. 在奠定基础上可再学些新难项目,诸如小球活动、游泳、各式太极拳或各种类型的保健气功等。
- Jeff: The "18 kinds of wushu instruments" is only a general term for many instruments. 杰夫:十八般武艺,只是泛指器械众多,其实武术器械远不止十八种。
- I was told that some people were expert in practicing all kinds of wushu instruments. 我听说有人“十八般武艺,样样精通”。
- By the way,could you introduce me something about the 18 kinds of wushu weapons? 对了,你能给我介绍一下什么是十八般武艺吗?
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?
- The nationalization and internationalization of Wushu are repulsive and attractive. 中国武术的国家性与国际性对立统一,既相互排斥,又相互吸纳。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- Considerations on reform of Wushu elective course teaching in common institutes of P.E. 对普通高校武术选项课教学改革的思考。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。