- the qualification of shareholder 股东资格
- The qualification of his policy as conservative is justified. 把他的政策称为保守主义是有道理的。
- Whether qualification of legal person is held? 是否具有法人资格?
- Nothing but has qualification of some kind. 无任何性状的东西是不存在的。
- Lose the qualification of member representative. 一丧失会员代表资格。
- qualification of shareholder 股东资格
- The railway had many thousands of shareholders. 该铁路有成千上万的股东。
- Qualification of radiographic film digitisation systems. 英文名称: Non-destructive testing.
- On the Litigant Qualifications of the Plaintiff of Shareholder Deputation 论股东代表诉讼的原告资格
- Check required qualification of designer and construction company. 审核设计方及施工方各种必要的资质。
- Is qualification of people reviewed on a regular basis? 是否有关人的资格进行定期审核?
- The meeting was attended by 90% of shareholders. 90%25 的股东出席了会议。
- Sterilization validation and qualification of sterilizers. 灭菌验证和消毒器的认证。
- Qualification of radiographic filn digitisation systens. 参考名称: Non-destructipe testing.
- His new position involves a qualification of his party's platform. 他的新位置包括随行人员的改变。
- The goal of the firm is maximization of shareholder wealth. 企业的目标是使股东财富最大化。
- His plea unimpressed the vast majority of shareholders present. 他的请求未能使在场的大多数股东动心。
- The qualification of such a course of action as conservation is too mild. 把这种行动方针称作保守是太轻了。
- How to acquire the qualification of registered plant engineering consultant? 如何取得注册设备监理师资格证书?
- Administrative Regulations on the qualification of Urban Gas Fuel Enterprises. 城市燃气企业资质管理规定。