- The heat treater has an effective Quality Assurance program for its material and service suppliers. 热处理方有一个有效的质量保证计划。
- Watts Regulator is ISO 9001 certified. Our extensive quality assurance program includes continuous inspection through each stage of the production process. 美国瓦茨调节阀公司已通过ISO 9001认证。我们广泛的质量保证计划包括持续检查每个生产阶段。
- You are asked to select tools and techniques to implement a quality assurance program to supplement existing quality control activities. Which of the following would you choose? 你被要求选择工具和技术来实施质量保证制度,以便补充现有的质量控制活动。你将选择下列哪一项?
- The supervisor should ascertain not only the reliability of the individual value obtained, but also the significance these OOS results represent in the overall quality assurance program. 主管不仅应该确定获得的个别值的可靠性,也应该确定在整个质量保证程序中阐明的OOS结果的重要性。
- Canadian Milk Quality Assurance Program 加拿大原料乳安全生产及其质量控制体系
- Objectives of a Quality Assurance Program 品质保证程序的目的
- Planned Quality Assurance Program 计划的质量保证程序
- Working with suppliers on quality assurance programmes - which is costly in terms of management time - can also help reduce the risk of disrupted supplies. 在质量保证计划方面与供应商合作会耗费大量管理时间,但可能有助于降低供应中断的风险。
- Procurement Quality Assurance Program 采购质量保证计划
- Reduced Inspection Quality Assurance Program 简化质量检验保证计划
- Quality assurance program for electronic parts 电子元器件质量保证大纲
- Our extensive quality assurance program and client-friendly business model mean you can be assured of a qualified interpreter in the language you need, with easy ordering and tracking. 我们实施了广泛的质量保证程序和客户友好的业务模型,确保为客户提供所需语言的合格口译人员,并且预定和跟踪都很方便。
- Proof of that commitment is in the modern facilities, state-of-the-art production equipment, and enhanced quality assurance programs which comprise the Greenlee way of doing business today. 公司以“安全高效、开拓创新、品质为本、顾客满意”为质量方针,以“为用户实现价值”为经营理念,以“开拓、创新、和谐、进取”为企业精神。
- Deer Industry New Zealand also carries out extensive research and development on behalf of the New Zealand deer industry and co-ordinates and administers the industry's Quality Assurance programmes. 纽西兰鹿产品管理局也代表纽西兰鹿业进行大规模研究与发展,并协调与管理该行业的品质保证计画。
- Establishing a Quality Assurance Program for Uranium Conversion Facilities 制定铀转换装置的质量保证大纲
- Standard Practice for Treestand Manufacturer Quality Assurance Program 树顶支架制造商质量保证体系惯例
- Establish and maintain a quality assurance and improvement program. 建立和保持质量保证与改进程序。
- Sign Quality Assurance Agreement with suppliers. 与供应商签订质量保证协议。
- The Company price conc- essions, quality assurance! 本公司价格优惠,质量保!
- China Classification Society Quality Assurance Ltd. 中国船级社质量认证公司。