- My foot caught in a creeper and I pitched forward. 藤蔓缠住我的脚,使我向前倒下。
- The dogs are nosing after their quarry. 那些狗正在搜寻猎物。
- The ship pitched and tossed in the rough seas. 轮船在汹涌澎湃的大海中起伏颠簸。
- He got mad and pitched into Waller with both fists. 他大怒,挥起双拳向沃勒打去。
- The child fell downstairs and pitched on its leg. 这孩子从楼梯滚下,把腿摔坏了。
- They pitched a yarn about finding the jewels. 他们编了一个找到宝石的故事。
- The hounds are getting close to their quarry. 猎狗正在接近猎物。
- This mountain was the site for a quarry. 这座山曾经有一个采石场。
- They pitched camp on the moor for the night. 他们在高沼地搭帐篷过夜。
- The policeman watched his quarry go into a bar. 警察看著他在追捕的人走进一家酒吧。
- Each sentence seems a quarry of rich meditations. 每一句话似乎都给人以许多冥思默想。
- She has keyed the piano up to concert pitch. 她已经把钢琴的音调升到音乐会的音高标准。
- The horseman aimed his lance at his quarry. 骑手把长矛对准了他的猎物。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- The ravenous lion tore the quarry. 饥饿的狮子撕碎了猎物。
- It took the police several days to track down their quarry. 警方用了几天时间追查到案中目标。
- He pitched (forward) on his head. 他(向前)一头栽倒。
- The coach built the team up to a fighting pitch. 教练使全队振作起来,准备一搏。
- The pitcher tends to pitch the ball too high. 这个投球手常把球掷得过高。
- The hunter lose sight of their quarry in the forest. 猎人失去了在林中追捕的鸟兽踪影。