- sewerage treatment; double layered filtering material; quartz sand and ceramisite; micro-flocculation; opacity; JMD type filter; 污水处理,双层滤料,石英砂和陶粒,微絮凝,浊度,JMD型滤池
- quartz sand and ceramisite 石英砂和陶粒
- Sludge reduction performance by earthworm biofilters using quartz sand and ceramsite as media was compared. 比较了石英砂和陶粒滤料蚯蚓生物滤池的污泥减量化效果。
- Here, glittering quartz sand and small agate plates inside earth reflect colorfullight under the sunshine like jewels. 班果土林表面夹杂有闪烁的石英砂和玛瑙片砂,如同镶嵌了宝石,在阳光的照耀下,五光十色。
- Mineral has gold, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, coal, oil, marble, limestone, sand stone, dolomite, quartz sand and so on. 矿产有金、镁、铜、磷、煤、石油、大理石、石灰石、紫砂石、白云石、石英砂等。
- In this experiment the characteristics of mixed filtration media composed of rare earth sandstone, quartz sand and stone coal were researched. 并对曝气过滤的效果及稀土瓷砂和石英砂、无烟煤混合滤料的性能进行了试验研究。
- Adopting quartz sand and active carbon to filtrate have achieved good results,and biological turnplate made biological filtrating and contemporary removed ammonia-nitrogen. 采用石英砂加活性炭过滤,其效果显著且经济,生物转盘进行生物过滤能同时去除氨氮,臭氧杀菌方便卫生且兼有增氧作用。
- Through immobilizing the isolated Leptothrix bacteria on manganese sand and quartz sand,the iron and manganese removal efficiency by the biologically immobilized filtration columns were studied. 通过在锰砂及石英砂上固定自行分离的纤发菌属细菌,研究了生物固定化锰砂及石英砂滤柱的除铁除锰能力。
- The mechanical method of manufacturing nano-sized quartz powder is introduced with the properties and grinding characteristics of quartz sand and the principle of high-energy planetary ball mill. 本文在简要地介绍石英砂的性质及粉碎特性的基础上,通过分析行星式高能球磨机的工作原理,提出了采用机械法制备石英纳米粉的方法;
- Because the intension of flocculent mass is loose after daily sewage disposed by biodegradation technique,it has good effect for double filtering layers that is made up of quartz sand and water slag. 电厂生活污水用生物法处理后,由于水中的悬浮物疏松,采用石英砂和水淬渣组成的双层滤料过滤更适合。
- Beach sand and sand dunes are largely quartz. 在火星上,太空船还未找到这类的矿物堆积。
- Sand and leaves trapped the water in the stream. 沙子和树叶堵住了小河的水流。
- The bottom layer is a mixture of sand and clay. 最下面的一层是沙和泥的混合物。
- During heating,phase transformation and expansibility of the new quartz sands and the calcined Quartz sands from two places were determined by DSC and thermodilatometry. 本研究采用DSC和热膨胀仪对两种石英砂的原砂和焙烧砂在加热过程中的相变和热膨胀进行了分析。
- The workers mixed the asphalt with sand and gravel together. 工人们把沥青和沙子、石块混合在一起。
- The prospector panned out bits of sand and gravel scooped from the bed of a stream. 探矿者淘选从河床里挖出的少量含金泥沙和砂砾。
- An area covered by sand and gravel deposited at the front of a glacial moraine. 冰川前砂砾层冰河冰渍前沉积的沙及砾石覆盖的区域
- They panned off the sand and dirt . 他们用淘金盘淘去砂泥。
- Production Technique for Low Quality Quartz Sand and High Purity Quartz Sand 普通石英砂与高纯石英砂的生产技术研究
- Sand and gravel may form bars within the channel. 沙和砾石可以在沟槽内形成沙洲。