- Gold ore main type is auriferous quartz vein type. 金矿床主要为含金硫化物石英脉型。
- Quartz is a major carrier of gold in quartz vein deposit. 石英是石英脉型金矿床中金矿物的主要载体矿物。
- Dongchuang Pb Au deposit is a large quartz vein type deposit. 东闯铅、金矿床是一大型石英脉型矿床。
- All orebodies are gold quartz vein type and hosted in New Archaean metamorphic quartz diorite and plagiogranite. 容矿岩系为新太古代变质石英闪长岩、斜长花岗岩。
- The occurrence of gold bearing quartz vein was controlled by NNE trending faulted zones. 工业矿体由矿化石英脉的富金段组成。
- Ore type contains altered spilite and altered pyrite quartz-sericite, as well as quartz vein. 主要的金属矿物为黄铁矿和黄铜矿,金矿物是自然金。
- Zn-Cu suphide skarn deposit is located in middle zone, which is telescoped by Sb-W quartz vein deposit of later period. 中矿带主要分布矽卡岩型锌铜硫化物矿床,并有锑钨石英脉型矿床叠加其上。
- Daqingshan gold deposit is a Carboniferous carbonaceous-rock-hosted quartz vein type. 大青山金矿是产于石炭系炭质岩系中的石英脉型金矿。
- Tungsten mineralization types in Yaoling zone are divided into quartz vein,greisen,altered granite and placer. 瑶岭钨矿带钨矿成因类型有石英脉(带)型、云英岩型、蚀变花岗岩型和砂矿床。
- Copper in quartz vein is controlled by radiation from volcanic structure in the LuZong Mesozoic volcanic basin. 产于庐枞中生代火山岩盆地中的石英大脉状铜矿受放射状火山构造控制。
- Gold deposits in the west Guangdong province are divided into altered cataclasite, quartz vein and metamorphic types. 粤西金矿床分为构造蚀变岩型、石英脉型和变质岩型。
- The mineralization type of Shaungqishan gold deposit has been divided into quartz vein and alteration type. 将双旗山金矿矿化类型划分为石英脉型和蚀变岩型。
- The gold deposit is of quartz vein type, with the wall rocks consisting of metamorphic rocks of the Jianping Group in age of Late Archean. 金矿体的赋矿围岩为上太古界建平群变质岩系 ,属于石英脉型金矿床。
- In the middle core of Huangling anticline, there are two types of Au deposits, quartz vein type and alteration rock type. 黄陵背斜核部中段的石英脉型和蚀变岩型金矿,具有斜列侧伏性、群聚分带性、似等距性、自相似性及易采、易选等特点。
- There are widely distribution of alternated rock type gold deposit in the share quartz vein in the north part of Jingdezhen with huge reserves. 景德镇北部剪切石英脉带蚀变岩型金矿分布广泛,资源储量较大。
- The gold deposits are classfied into quartz vein,altered cataclastic rock and poly metal sulfide and volcanic sub volcanic rock hosted ore types. 按成矿类型可划分为石英脉型、破碎带蚀变岩型、多金属硫化物型和火山-次火山岩型金矿。
- Longsheng shear zone type gold deposit is divided into quartz vein type, fine quartz vein type and quartz stockwork type deposit. 桂北龙胜剪切带型金矿划分为石英脉型、石英薄脉型和石英细脉网脉型金矿。
- Banded structures are clue to find quartz vein type gold deposit in this area,and representation of the multi-stage mineralization. 条带状构造是该地区石英脉型金矿的主要找矿标志之一,也是多期次成矿的表现形式。
- F5 fracture is a ductile shear belt, two gold ore mineralization are mainly in this belt which are gold quartz vein and structural alteration rock. F5断裂带为一韧脆性剪切带,断裂带内主要有金石英脉型和构造蚀变岩型两种金矿成矿类型。
- Daheishan gold deposit is a fractured alteration type and quartz vein type gold deposit, hosted in the outer contact zone of Damiao granite. 大黑山金矿是赋存于大庙花岗岩体外接触带的破碎蚀变岩型和石英脉型金矿。已发现矿脉8条,以27号脉为主要矿脉。