- biweekly oscillation 准双周振荡
- She asked him to contribute a biweekly article on European affairs. 她让他每两周写一篇有关欧洲情况的文章。
- There will be 6 biweekly problem sets. 每两周布置一次题目,一共6次。
- Earls of Wilbraham, quasi wild boar ham. 威尔白莱罕(即“野猪大腿肉”)伯爵家。
- Commence deep watering biweekly in April. 展开深每两周浇水4.
- Earls of Wilbra ham, quasi wild boar ham . 威尔白莱罕(即“野猪大腿肉”)伯爵家。
- The sandstone shows a more persistent oscillation. 砂岩表示一个更为持久的扰动。
- Having an indicator that stops without oscillation. 指针不摆的停止时没有震动的指示器的
- Rate of signal oscillation in hertz. 信号振荡的速率,以赫兹(Hz)为单位。
- The sandstone shows a more persistent oscillation . 砂岩表示一个更为持久的扰动。
- Register for the free biweekly TechNet Flash e-mail newsletter. 注册以获取免费半月刊TechNet Flash电子邮件新闻稿。
- This calculator shows how much a biweekly mortgage may save you. 这款计算器软件将向你显示每半月支付抵押贷款会为你节省多少钱。
- Piano Sonata No. 13 in E flat major ("Quasi una fantasia"), Op. 钢琴奏鸣曲第13号在电子商务大调(“准联合国协会幻想曲”),作品。
- Quasi Velocity Matched Electrooptic Phase Modulator[J]. 引用该论文 郭凤珍;于长泰;小林哲郎.
- It is possible to follow the complete buildup of oscillation. 了解振荡建立的整个过程是可能的。
- Used in HI-FI per-amplifiers and TV oscillation loop circuits. 适用于高保真前置放大及电视振荡回路。
- Caucus members laugh and talk at one of their biweekly luncheon meetings. 每两周一次的午餐会报,众金钗在进食间谈笑风生。
- A Damped Decadal Oscillation in the North Atlantic Climate System. 北大西洋气候系统潮湿年代际振荡。
- The U.S.Embassy in Beijing has also asked her to write a biweekly blog. 美国驻华大使馆请她撰写一个博客,每半个月更新一次。
- This article shows the best industrial staining art with quasi -divisor design. 本文运用拟因子设计给出了最佳染色工艺。