- The operation of general aviation for commercial purposes is limited to corporate enterprises. 从事经营性通用航空,限于企业法人。
- Where corporate enterprises are unable to pay off debts due because of operational or financial difficulty, the restructure procedure provided by this Law may apply. 企业法人因为经营或者财务发生困难将导致不能清偿到期债务的,可以适用本法规定的重整程序。
- Branches and functional departments of state organs, non-profit institutions, societies and corporate enterprises must not serve as guarantors; unless it is otherwise provided for by law. 国家机关、以公益为目的的事业单位、社会团体、企业法人的分支机构和职能部门不得为保证人;但是,法律另有规定的除外。
- The deployer is the group, typically the information technology (IT) department, that distributes ClickOnce application to corporate enterprise desktop computers. 部署者是向公司企业桌面计算机分发ClickOnce应用程序的团体,通常是信息技术(IT)部门。
- Company controlling shareholder China FAW Group Corporation enterprises directly under the central ministries. 公司控股股东中国第一汽车集团公司是中央部委直属企业。
- Public air transport enterprise means a corporate enterprise engaged in the transport of passengers, baggage, mail or cargo with civil aircraft for the purpose of making profit. 第九十一条公共航空运输企业,是指以营利为目的,使用民用航空器运送旅客、行李、邮件或者货物的企业法人。
- Note:Number of corporative enterprises, active units and employees are above designated size. 注:法人企业、产业活动单位及从业人数为限额以上口径。
- McNay,I (1995), From the Collegial Academy to Corporate enterprise :The changing cultures of universities, T. Schuller, The changing university?, ,: SRHE &Open University Press. 卢增绪(1994);大学教育目标之争议;欧阳教;黄正杰;大学教育的理想;台北:师大书苑.
- Note: The range of Statistics were for corporative enterprises above designated size. 注:统计范围为限额以上法人企业。
- McNay,I (1995), From the Collegial Academy to Corporate enterprise :The changing cultures of universities, In T. Schuller (Eds.), The changing university?, , : SRHE &Open University Press. 卢增绪(1994);大学教育目标之争议;欧阳教;黄正杰(编);大学教育的理想;台北:师大书苑.
- A hemorrhage of corporate earnings. 公司财产的巨额流失
- Earls of Wilbraham, quasi wild boar ham. 威尔白莱罕(即“野猪大腿肉”)伯爵家。
- This company is concerned about its corporate image. 这家公司关心它自身的法人形象。
- Earls of Wilbra ham, quasi wild boar ham . 威尔白莱罕(即“野猪大腿肉”)伯爵家。
- She extremely deprecates bank's credit to the enterprises. 她极力反对银行贷款给那些企业。
- Maneuvering to gain an edge over their corporate competitors. 策划使他们能比他们共同的对手领先一步
- The reforms of enterprises are now at the critical moment. 现在企业的改革正处在紧要关头。
- This university is a corporate body formed from several colleges. 这所大学是由几个不同学院组成的。
- The sports meet drew2600 entrants from155 enterprises. 这次运动会有155个企业的2600名职工参加。
- Solutions to Control Agent Cost of Railway Corporate Enterprise 控制铁路公司制企业代理成本的对策