- One of these issues is the fiscal deficit. 上一个财政年度的赤字约为。
- What is your view about the current fiscal deficit? 如果再连续几年增发国债的话,财政风险会不会逐渐加大?
- Mr Golding has promised a fresh effort to cut the fiscal deficit. 戈尔丁也承诺将采取新的措施削减财政赤字。
- Companies were preparing to deal with the fiscal deficit. 公司正准备处理财政赤字问题。
- In most developing countries increased government expenditures led to record fiscal deficit in 1982 and 1983. 在大多数发展中国家,政府开支的增加导致了1982和1983年的创纪录的财政赤字。
- Despite our huge fiscal deficit, we will continue to devote enormous resources to education. 虽然政府现正面对大财赤,但仍会继续在教育方面投放大量资源。
- Despite this cautiously optimistic economic outlook, we still need to address the problem of the fiscal deficit. 纵使我们对未来的经济发展审慎乐观,我们仍须处理严重的财赤问题。
- Public revenue has increased and government expenditure has been contained, greatly easing the fiscal deficit. 公共财政收入增加,政府开支受到控制,赤字压力大为纾缓。
- Thirdly, the central fiscal deficit was managed within the figures allowed by the adjusted budget, and the local budgets have slight surplus. 三是中央财政赤字可以控制在调整预算批准的数额之内,地方财政略有结余。
- Ricardian Equivalence Rule is an important factor which is used to evaluate fiscal deficit effect. 李嘉图等价定理是评价财政赤字效果的重要因素之一。
- It could also scare foreign investors, who are needed to fund the ballooning fiscal deficit. 但这可能还会吓退海外投资者,而美国不断膨胀的财政赤字需要他们的资金。
- If the balance is positive the government has a fiscal surplus, if negative there is a fiscal deficit. 余额为正值代表政府有财政盈余,负值则代表财政出现赤字。
- Republicans are not alone in believing that the soaring US fiscal deficit is a harbinger of future inflation. 认为美国不断飙升的财政赤字是未来通胀预兆的,不止是美国共和党人。
- In 1997,China's GDP grew at 9% and its inflation grew at 2.8%. Its fiscal deficit was at 0.8% of GDP. Its total domestic debt was less than 20% of GDP. 一九九七年,中国国民生产总值增加了9%25,通胀率则上升2.;8%25,财政赤字是国民生产总值的0
- Thirdly,the central fiscal deficit was managed within the figures allowed by the adjusted budget,and the local budgets have slight surplus. 三是中央财政赤字可以控制在调整预算批准的数额之内,地方财政略有结余。
- We accept that we need time to achieve economic restructuring, but solving the fiscal deficit problem is an immediate imperative. 但是,推动经济转型需要时间,而解决财赤却是当务之急。
- If we do not exercise prudence in the management of our public finances, the problem of fiscal deficit will persist or even grow. 如果不审慎理财,长期入不敷支,将问题交给下一代处理,又岂是香港之福呢?
- As a result, Hong Kong faces an accelerated economic downturn, a rise in unemployment, an increase in the fiscal deficit and a delayed recovery. 香港经济受到拖累,加快下滑,失业率将会上升,政府财政赤字增加,复苏将延迟。
- Thereupon the fiscal deficits would surely worsen, once again. 财政赤字也必然会因此再度加剧。
- To make things worse, then-Prime Minister Ryutaro Hashimoto was trying to reduce the government fiscal deficit - at the most inopportune time. 雪上加霜的是,首相桥本龙太郎正力图削减财政赤字,而他选择了一个最不恰当的时间。