- One was sent to the Hong Kong Government to pay the personal tax of the Finance and Administration Manager. 其中一张支票更是寄给香港政府,缴付该名财务及行政经理的个人税款。
- With his TIN and password, a taxpayer can also enquire about his personal tax information through the enquiry services under the ESD scheme. 市民亦可利用电话税务通同一税务编号和通行密码,使用公共服务电子化计划下的个人税务查询服务。
- Quickbooks, Simply Accounting, Accpac, Casewase, Personal Tax, Corporations Tax, GST/PST, Payroll, T4, Financial Statements. 我们的会计人员就业“技能训练”-“岗位实战”-“就业经验”三部曲的内容将包括但不限于以下内容:
- In charge of the tax declare for Chinese and overseas staffs: provide calculation, check and declare service for personal tax, also provide rational consulting every month. 代理外籍、中国籍雇员个人所得税纳税申报:每月代理个人收应缴个人所得税的计算、复核及申报,并提供可能的税赋合理化咨询。
- In charge of the tax declare for incoming tax and operation tax: provide calculation, check and declare service for personal tax, also provide rational consulting every quarter. 代理营业税、企业所得税纳税申报:每季代理应缴营业税和企业所得税的计算、复核及申报,并提供可能的税赋合理化咨询。
- So, a tax model of family tax along with personal tax should be chosen in seeking for the maximization goal of fairness and efficiency from the fact of our country. 我国必须从实际出发,在追求公平与效率的最大化目标中选择家庭课税与个人申报纳税并存的纳税单位模式。
- a new system for assessing personal tax bills 新的个人税额估定办法
- Tolley's International Personal Tax Planning 国际个人税计划
- International Executive Services Personal Tax; and 国际行政人员专业服务
- a personal tax levied on annual income. 个人因其年收入缴纳的税款项目。
- They shun personal fame and gains. 他们不计个人名利。
- Hence, the king levied personal taxes on his subjects on the pretence of "common good" trod "common need" so as to meet with ever increasing administrative and military expenditures. 于是国王以国君身份,以“共同利益”和“共同需要”为由,向全国臣民征收动产税-特别收入,以满足日益增长的行政和军事开支。
- Nowadays income tax is normally deducted from a person's wages. 现在,所得税通常是在发工资前就已经扣除了。
- Every person is accountable for his own work. 每个人都要对自己的工作负责。
- That kind of person is anything but a Marxist. 那种人根本不是马克思主义者。
- He is a very nice person to work with. 他是一个很好共事的人。
- Our reporter was the first person on the scene. 我们的记者是最先到达出事地点的。
- Jim is a warmhearted person to come and go upon. 吉姆是个热心人,可以信赖。
- In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar. 划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。
- I didn't expect him to descend to personal abuse. 我没料到他会堕落到对我进行人身攻击的地步。