- New method increases computational efficiency, and deletes correlativity of new scalar coefficient estimators of quasi regression. When samples size is very large, it has the same accuracy as quasi regression An and Owen (2001) does. 新方法不仅具有很高的计算效率 ;而且标度参数的估计量之间不再具有相关性 ;当样本容量很大的时候 ;新方法能够达到原方法 (文献 [1 ];An and Owen的方法 )的计算精度 .
- In this class we describe Support Vector Machines for regression estimation and illustrate the connection between SVMs and Basis Pursuit De-Noising. 课中将叙述支持向量机的回归估算法并举例说明支持向量机和基础追踪去杂讯法之间的关系。
- We have used the ridge regression estimation (RRE) to treat the multicomponent drug systems.Because of the method was based on ... 本文用岭回归法处理复方维生素B四组分体系的光谱数据,所得分析结果明显优于最小二乘法。
- By applying generalized SVM and least square SVM of classification to regression estimation problem, fuzzy generalized weighted SVM and fuzzy multiplayer least square generalized SVM are proposed. 把针对分类问题的广义SVM及最小二乘广义SVM用来处理回归估计问题,并和模糊SVM结合起来形成了基于模糊加权的广义SVM和基于模糊的多层最小二乘广义SVM。
- Multiple linear stepwise regression estimation and exponential smoothing estimation of time serial are used to obtain the estimating models of the 12 omening indices. 用多元线性回归预测和时间序列指数平滑方法预测,建立了12项单指标的预测模型。
- Regression Estimation Using Cluster Correlation 群体相关下的一种回归分析
- regression estimation of event probability 事件概率回归估计
- generalized ridge regression estimation 广义岭估计
- Regression estimates: including intercept and coefficients for linear, quadratic and correlation coefficient. 2?归参数:含截距、一次、二次?归参数与相关系数。
- In this paper,we give a new regression estimator under the cluster correlation model. 本文在群体相关模型下给出了一种新的回归估计。
- Recursive ridge regression estimation 序贯岭回归估计
- For the regression estimation when the auxiliary variate is correlated with the disturbance, the bias and mean square error (MSE) of the regression estimator are obtained, and the estimator of the MSE is presented. 摘要讨论了辅助变量与扰动项相关条件下的回归估计,给出了在这种条件下回归估计量的偏差和均方误差以及均方误差的估计。
- In the present investigation, new calibration approach combined regression estimator is proposed, and asymptotical variance estimator of the proposed estimator is given. 本文提出了分层抽样中的校正组合比率估计量,并推广到分层双重抽样中。
- The contents from the third chapter to the fifth chapter are the kernels which are a series of applications of generalized regression model and generalized regression estimator. 第三章至第五章就是广义回归模型及广义回归估计方法的一系列具体应用,因而也就成为本论文的核心部分。
- He has lowered himself in my estimation. 依我看,他降低了自己的身份。
- In my estimation, he is a more suitable candidate. 我认为他是更合适的人选。
- In other hand, According to the signal of EOG and its winking characteristic, some regression estimate about the giving settle tester and the parameter of relevant winking characteristic were investigated. 根据眼电信号及其眨眼特性,对给定测试者和相应眨眼参数数据做回归估计,给出撞击事件预测建模及仿真。
- Local Regression Estimation of the Semipar Ametric Models 半参数回归模型的局部回归估计方法
- Mr. Black stands high in the public estimation. 布莱克先生在公众中声望很高。
- He is equal to the job in my estimation. 据我看,他能胜任这项工作。