- A quick flash of light; a gleam. 光的极快闪烁;闪光
- A quick flash of light;a gleam. 光的极快闪烁;闪光
- interrupted quick flashing light 断续快速闪光灯
- Light Interrupted Quick Flashing 断续急闪光
- Practise daily by quickly flashing only the front of the vocabulary card , pronouncing the word to yourself and recalling the word's meaning . 实施的时候要尽快的捎掠第一面的单词,接着是发音,还有尽力回忆起单词的意思。
- He got the answer to the riddle as quick as a flash. 他一下子就猜中了谜底。
- An idea popped into his mind like a flash. 他头脑里突然闪过一个念头。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- John was both clever and quick in the uptake. 约翰既聪明,理解能力又强。
- The flashing lights mean that the road is blocked. 那闪动的灯光表示此路不通。
- She was cut to the quick by his insults. 她受他侮辱而十分伤心。
- A new idea popped into my mind like a flash. 我脑子里突然闪现出一个新的想法。
- The answer came to her in a flash of inspiration. 她突然来了一阵灵感,答案想出来了。
- It is imperative that we make a quick decision. 我们要尽快做出决定。
- The old man set off at a quick trot. 老人快步走开了。
- A lighthouse was flashing in the distance. 灯塔在远处发出闪烁的光。
- They are pressing us to make a quick decision. 他们正在敦促我们迅速作出决定。
- Some of the local news come on very quick. 有些本地新闻很快就上电视。
- He gave a quick answer to the teacher's question. 他对老师的提问作出了迅速的回答。
- He is quick at spying the faults of others. 他敏于发现别人的错误。