- Use Quick Search to save your time . 使用快速搜索来节省时间。
- Bulletin Quick Search field below. 可进行公报的快速检索。
- List of processes, threads, chunks with quick search. 列出的进程,线程,大块的快速搜索。
- The ISO country code in two chars. You can use this field for quick search. 20 ISO国家代码使用两个字符。您可以使用该字段来快速搜索。
- Because a quick search of the Internet reveals that numerous news outlets picked up the BMJ press release and ran it without a hint of skepticism. 不过,这种广告研讨会的方法却可能无意间证实了某种病态真的存在。
- Eero had bristled at the newcomer, but a quick search of the archives had revealed that Dooku had been right. Eero当场被这个新成员激怒了,但在档案馆的快速搜索却证明了杜库的观点是正确的。
- This quick search takes almost the same amount of time whether there are 100 rows or 1,000,000 rows in the employee table. 无论employee表中有100行还是有1,000,000行,这种快速搜索方法都将使用大致相同的时间。
- A quick search out duplicate file system software. Can manage to find out duplicate files, select to delete or move them to a new folder. 一款可快速查找出系统中重复文件的软件。可以管理查找出的重复文件,选择要将它们删除或移动到新的文件夹。
- If not, a quick search of the internet can yield significant information on both theories with some much more accurate than others. 如还不清楚,可以快速搜索互联网,上面关于这两个理论的信息很多,其中一些信息更加确切。
- A quick search of the Bloomingdale's Web site may yield ten Nautica brand products, none of which are the right khakis, maybe none of which are khakis at all. 如果搜索Bloomingdale的网站,会查到10种Nautica牌的卡其布服装,但没有一种是顾客想要的,甚至有可能根本都不是卡其衫。
- If you are an Android developer, you’ll want to head over to the Android blog to get all the coding goodness you’ll need to get included in the Quick Search Box feature. 如果你是一个机器人开发人员,你要领导交给机器人博客让所有善良的编码就需要得到在快速搜索框功能包括在内。
- You can quickly search for every occurrence of a specific word or phrase. 可以快速搜索特定单词或短语出现的所有位置。
- Web shortcuts allow you to quickly search or lookup words on the Internet. 网页捷径让您可以快速的在网际网路上搜寻或查询单字。
- At the moment the phenomenon seems to be restricted to Britain, but a quick search on the internet reveals that many other countries are also experiencing serious plumber shortages- a key factor behind the spread of posh plumbing. 就目前而言,这个现象似乎仅限于英国,但在互联网上略加搜索就可发现,许多国家都存在水管工严重短缺的问题,而这正是“时髦水管工”风潮在英国得以流行的关键因素。
- This personal portable phonebook provides ideal functions of recording and easy &quick searching of phone numbers. 本私用新型是人们用来记载电话号码、且查询方便、快捷的比较理想的便携式电话本。
- To help you quickly find the information you need, Kester has provided this quick search tool. 为帮助您快速找到需要的信息,凯斯特公司为您提供了以下快速搜索工具。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- John was both clever and quick in the uptake. 约翰既聪明,理解能力又强。
- ESE also stores a key of the current tree, which enables ESE to quickly search down the current tree. ESE还存储了当前树的键,使ESE能够沿当前树快速展开搜索。