- For fun, Puck decides to turn Bottom's head into a donkey's. 他一时兴起,决定把巴腾的头变成驴头。
- I was impressed with his rebound shot,his "race horse" and his quick turn. 他的补篮、闪电般的快攻和灵活转身给我留下很深的印象。
- I was impressed with his rebound shot, his "race horse" and his quick turn. 他的补篮、闪电般的快攻和灵活转身给我留下很深的印象。
- The driver averted an accident by a quick turn of the steering wheel. 那司机将方向盘急转,避免了一次意外。
- Quick turns are essential to a good race. 快速转身对在比赛中取得好成成绩是必要的。
- Could quickly turn him into a dictator. 他如果滥用权力的话,很快会变成一个独裁者。
- The relationship between number of required pulse motors and system response time was discussed in quick turn period and transition process. 重点讨论在快速转弯段以及快速响应过载段消耗脉冲发动机个数和系统响应时间之间的关系。
- Luckily, you can quickly turn it on without much fiddling around. 幸运的是你不用到处去找就能快速开启。
- Quick turn around key press, bad people will begin to jog at this time, the player can be found in the top left picture disc, pointer began a clockwise dir. 快速交替按下方向键左右,小人就会开始跑步,此时,玩家可以发现画面左上方的圆盘中,指针开始顺时针方向运动。
- She quickly turned her steering wheel. 她很快转动方向盘。
- These are powers, which, if abused, could quickly turn him into a dictator. 他如果滥用权力的话,很快会变成一个独裁者。
- Quick Turn PCB Manufacturer Manufacturer of Double-Sided PCB or multiplayer Nickel Gold PCB(2~20 Layers) Carbon Paint HALSingle-Sided PCB Flexible PCB(FPC) Gold finger and various kinds of PCBs From China. 以印刷电路板(PCB)产品生产、经营为主;主要生产单面线路板;双面线路板;多层线路板(2~12层);柔性线路板(FPC)等印刷电路板.
- The British sailors had claimed the bar as their own and when the Americans came in it quickly turned into a rough house. 英国水手们声称那酒吧是他们的,因而当美国人进来时,酒吧内很快就出现了暴力行为。
- While the PNW does offer owners and operators a quick turn around and better proximity to destination markets, Pacific freight rates are quite a bit softer than rates from Center Gulf ports. 尽管西北太平洋沿岸的船舶所有者及港口经营者拥有往返迅速及更容易接近目的市场的优势,但太平洋的运价与中心海湾相比还是显得有些疲软。
- Quick, turn off the gas;the milk will boil over. 快把煤气关掉,牛奶要溢了。
- He quickly turned around when he heard someone calling to him. 他听到有人高声喊他,便迅速转过身来。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- Shortcuts allow you to quickly turn on or off accessibility features at any time by typing certain key combinations. 快捷方式允许您键入一定的键组合,随时迅速打开或关闭辅助功能。
- John was both clever and quick in the uptake. 约翰既聪明,理解能力又强。
- Mr Ackman also wants a quicker turn than the indefinite holding period Mr Buffett espouses. 阿克曼也希望尽快拿到投资回报,不像巴菲特那样长期持有。