- It was the quickest route from Rome to Naples. 那是从罗马到那不勒斯最快的路线。
- What's the quickest route to downtown? 去市中心最快的路线是什么?
- It's the quickest route to Europe. 这是去欧洲最快的路线。
- This is the quickest route through the maze. 这是走出这个迷宫的最快路径。
- What’s the quickest route to downtown? 去市中心最快的路线是什么?
- You should choose the quickest route to his house. 你应该选最快的路线去他家。
- She took out a map and indicated the quickest route to us. 她拿出一张地图,给我们指出最快捷的路线。
- Why is robust mouse rejuvenation the quickest route to curing human aging? 为什么小鼠健壮返老还童是治愈人类老化的最快路线?
- In fact, your friends may be the quickest route back to steady, satisfying employment -- another reason why overcoming the shame barrier is key. 事实上,你的朋友也许是你找到稳定和满意的工作的最快途径,这也是冲破害羞屏障的另一个主要原因。
- Thus, the quickest route to curing human aging is to achieve results in the lab that are sufficiently impressive to effect this change in public attitude. 这样,治愈人类老化的最快捷途径,是在实验室中完成给人以深刻印象的成果,以此来改变公众的态度。
- The opening of the long awaited quick route to Yilan will surely bring many economic opportunities to the Yilan area. 引颈期盼的北宜快速道路通车后,一定会为宜兰地区带来许多经济契机。
- the quickest route from Florence to Rome 从佛罗伦萨到罗马的最快捷的路线
- I have to say you're streching our resources rather, Stone. But we've located a chap who's found a rather quicker route to Barrack B. 我说史东,你几乎得到我们所有的资讯,不过我们有个夥伴找到了到兵营B的快速道路。
- I have to say you're stretching our resources rather, Stone. But we've located a chap who's found a rather quicker route to Barrack B. 史东,我不得不说你夸大了我们的资源了。但是我们找到有个家伙知道一条往兵营B更快的路。
- But, because his status outside society had freed him from slavish adherence to linear, Western-style thought, the wolf knew a quicker route to Grandma's house. 可是,与世隔绝很久的大灰狼早就不循规蹈矩地遵从线形的西方式思维了,他知道一条通往小红帽外婆家的更便捷的路。
- He is on the way to Pakistan via the Silk Route. 他正经由丝绸之路在去巴基斯坦的旅途上。
- We drove home by a roundabout route. 我们绕远道驾车回家。
- He had to make a quick change at Shanghai. 他不得不在上海匆忙换车。
- We stopped at Paris en route from Rome to London. 我们从罗马去伦敦的途中曾在巴黎停留。
- John was both clever and quick in the uptake. 约翰既聪明,理解能力又强。