- quinacrine methanesulfonate [化] 甲磺酸米帕林; 阿的平甲磺酸盐,[医] 甲磺酸奎纳克林
- Quinacrine has shown some efficacy in animals. 奎纳克林已在动物身上显现某些效用。
- A trademark used for an antimalarial preparation of quinacrine hydrochloride. 阿的平商标名称,用于预防疟疾的阿的平氢氯化物制剂
- N-Octyl aldehyde glycol acetal was synthesized using n-octyl aldehyde and glycol as raw materials and lanthanum methanesulfonate as catalyst. 以正辛醛和乙二醇为原料,甲基磺酸镧为催化剂,合成了正辛醛缩乙二醇。
- The three chemical mutagens were mitomycin C(MMC,DNA crosslinker),bleomycin(BLM,radiometric agent),methyl methanesulfonate(MMS,alkylating agent). 3种化学诱变剂是丝裂霉素C(MMC ,DNA交联剂 )、博来霉素 (BLM ,似X线剂 )、甲基甲烷磺酸酯 (MMS ,烷化剂 )。
- Another compound, quinacrine, an antimalarial drug with a structure that resembles thorazine, is approximately 10 times as powerful. 另外,有一种化学构造类似舒乐精的抗疟疾药物叫做奎纳克林(quincrine),它的抑制能力更是强了10倍。
- Quinacrine has been administered orally to patients with vCJD and to individuals who have the sporadic or genetic forms of prion disease. 奎纳克林曾以口服方式开给vCJD患者,以及患有偶发性或遗传性普恩蛋白疾病的人们。
- OBJECTIVE To analyze and evaluate the adverse events of gatifloxacin methanesulfonate in the clinical trial of tolerance. 目的对甲磺酸加替沙星临床耐受性试验中不良事件进行综合性的分析和评价。
- Zinc methanesulfonate is used as catalyst in the esterification of normal butyl alcohol with glacial acetic acid, which produce normal butyl acetate. 以甲烷磺酸锌作为催化剂,研究其催化正丁醇与冰乙酸反应生成乙酸正丁酯中各种因素对酯化率的影响。
- The application of methanesulfonate of metals in electroplating and electrobruch plating was studied. It would be expected to employ in industry. 研究了甲基磺酸盐在电镀和电刷镀技术中的应用,显示出良好的推广应用前景。
- Vanillin propylene glycol acetal was synthesized using vanillin and propylene glycol as raw materials and calcium methanesulfonate as catalyst. 以草香醛和1,2-丙二醇为原料,甲基磺酸钙为催化剂,合成了香草醛缩丙二醇。
- Abstract: The application of methanesulfonate of metals in electroplating and electrobruch plating was studied. It would be expected to employ in industries. 文摘:研究了甲基磺酸盐在电镀和电刷镀技术中的应用,显示出良好的推广应用前景。
- Pollution is greatly lightened and bath stability is strengthened in tin and tin-lead alloy electroplating by using methanesulfonate compared with that by using sulfate. 与硫酸盐电镀锡和氟硼酸盐电镀锡铅合金相比,甲基磺酸盐电镀锡和锡铅合金能大大降低环境污染,提高镀液的稳定性。
- Cohen are pursuing the potency problem.In cell cultures, they have boosted the effectiveness of quinacrine 10-fold by joining two of its molecules together. Cohen)正在寻找更强效的药物,他们将两个奎纳克林分子结合起来,发现在培养细胞中的药效增强了10倍。
- In a screening for stay-green mutants in Arabidopsis, a developmentally retarded mutant, drm1, was obtained from ethyl methanesulfonate (EMS) -mutagenized M2 seeds in Columbia (Col-0) genetic background. 从EMS诱变的拟南芥(Col-0)M2群体中,分离筛选到了一个生长发育异常迟缓的突变体(drm1)。
- 3-aminobenzoic acid ethyl ester methanesulfonate; 乙基3-氨基苯甲酸酯甲烷磺酸盐;3-氨基苯甲酸乙酯甲基磺酸盐;
- adrenochrome monoguanylhydrazone methanesulfonate 肾上腺素红单脒基腙甲磺酸盐
- Noramidopyrinium Methanesulfonate Sodium 安乃近, 诺瓦经, 罗瓦尔精, 安替比林甲胺甲烷[解热镇痛药]
- tropine benzohydryl ester methanesulfonate 甲磺酸苯扎托品<抗胆碱药>
- calcium isoniazide methanesulfonate 异烟肼甲磺钙