- She told her boy not to stamp on the floor and disturb the sleeping baby. 她叫她的男孩不要在地板上走得太响,以免惊扰睡着的婴孩。
- We drink and make noise and disturb Federico. 我们喝酒,叫嚷,打扰着弗雷德里科。
- Differential radiation and common radiation model. 差模辐射和共模辐射模型。
- There was too much anger and disturbance. 那有太多的愤怒和骚动。
- And that's without radiation and chemotherapy. 其中没有任何的放射和化学治疗。
- Sit by the radiator and get warm. 坐在暖气旁边,暖和暖和。
- The building work is creating constant noise, dust and disturbance. 建筑施工不断制造噪音、灰尘和干扰。
- His treatment was a combination of surgery, radiation and drugs. 对他的治疗是把手术、放射和药物治疗结合为一体。
- Where there is poverty ,there is discontent and disturbance. 只要有贫穷的地方,就有不满和骚动。
- The mass-loss includes the light radiation and solar wind. 太阳质量损失包括光子辐射和太阳风造成的质量损失。
- The pigment absorbs the radiation and protects cells from damage. 黑色素可以吸收辐射,保护你的细胞不受损伤。
- They say the likely treatment is radiation and chemotherapy. 他们说,可能的治疗是放射疗法和化学疗法。
- VUV Radiation and Kinetics of Krypton Fluoride Ionic Excimer[J]. 引用该论文 王骐;周赤;马祖光.
- radiation and disturbance 辐射干扰
- Free of radiation and good heat dissipating capacity. 无辐射,散热性能好。
- The body transmits heat by radiation and receives heat by the same process. 人体通过辐射散热并通过同样的过程接受热。
- Abstract : Ionizing radiation can affect the characteristics of the electrode processes and disturb their kinetic equilibria. 摘要 : 电离辐射能够改变电极过程的性质,并能破坏其动力学的平衡。
- He put his oars in the water and disturbed the smooth surface of the lake. 他把桨放入水中,搅乱了平静的湖面。
- The letter shocked and disturbed me. 这封信使我感到震惊和不安。
- He was much embarrassed and disturbed. 他窘得要命,坐立不安。