- Certification in radiation oncology first offered. 首次授予放射肿瘤学资格。
- On September 30th,2006,there were 952 radiation oncology centers. 截至2006年9月30日全国共有放疗单位952个。
- Radiation oncology community has entered a new era of precise radiotherapy. 放射肿瘤学目前已经进入到精确放射治疗时代。
- "Before, our machines were like shotguns," says Dr. Brian Butler, chief of radiation oncology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. 休斯敦贝勒医院放射肿瘤科的主任布莱恩·巴特勒医生说:“以前我们使用的机器象机关枪。
- Director of Photo-Physics Lab, Department of Radiation Oncology Research, Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, MI. 底特律市。亨利。福特医院。放射科。光学物理实验室主任。
- "Before,our machines were like shotguns," says Dr. Brian Butler,chief of radiation oncology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. 休斯敦贝勒医院放射肿瘤科的主任布莱恩·巴特勒医生说:“以前我们使用的机器象机关枪。”
- Digitally capture high quality portal localization, verification, and simulation images with a single system in the radiation oncology department. 适用放射肿瘤科的单一CR系统,采用数字方式进行高质量的射野定位、检验和模拟成像。
- The team in MGH brain tumor centers is consisted of specialists in neuro-oncology, neurology, neurosurgery and radiation oncology. 其下属的脑肿瘤中心核心团队由神经肿瘤科、神经科、神经外科及放射肿瘤科医生构成,并与神经病理科及神经影像科密切合作。
- Mark Dewhirst, a professor of radiation oncology and director of the hyperthermia program at Duke Uniersity Medical Center, in Durham, N.C. 他本人是北卡罗来纳州杜兰市杜克大学医学中心的放射肿瘤学教授、过热研究项目的主管。
- Imtensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is a developing technique of radiotherapy.It has gained wide interests in the field of radiation oncology. 调强放疗是一新兴的正在发展中的放疗技术,引起了肿瘤放射治疗学界的广泛重视。
- Three cases with primary lymphoma of the breast were treated in the department of radiation oncology at Mackay Memorial Hospital from January 1985 to December 1994. 从1985到1994有三个原发性乳房淋巴肿瘤的病例曾于马偕医院放射肿瘤科接受治疗。
- "I don't know what the potential is," said Dr. Chang Yan Chen, of the department of radiation oncology at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston. “我不知道确切的原因是什么!”波士顿贝斯以色列女执事医疗中心和哈佛医学院放射肿瘤科的陈常艳博士说。
- Medical applications for ionizing radiation, such as radiology, intervention radiology, clinical nuclear medicine and radiation oncology, are an important part of modern medicine. 摘要放射学以及介入放射学、临床核医学、放射肿瘤学等电离辐射的医学应用分支学科,已成为现代医学不可或缺的重要组成部分。
- Guo Furong, female, born in 1952, graduated from Fujian Medical University in 1980; Senior Physician, department radiation oncology ( lymphoma and Abdomen ward). 1952年出生1980年毕业于福建医学院,现任体检中心主任、淋巴瘤、腹部肿瘤放疗病区主任医师。
- The text is specifically designed to be accessible to professionals and students with a medical background as well as to newcomers to radiation oncology from the field of physics. 正文被明确用于由于一个医学背景易接近专业人士和学生, 好如同对新来的人对来自物理学的领域的辐射肿瘤学。
- LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen is one of the world's leading manufacturers of Laser Systems for Radiation Oncology Applications, including patient Alignment and tumour localisation. 德国LAP激光应用有限公司成立于1979年,是世界上最领先的非接触式激光测量和激光定位系统专业制造商之一。
- Lead aprons shield people from radiation. 铅做的工作裙可使人免进辐射。
- Radiation reached unheard-of levels. 辐射作用已达到前所未有的程度。
- The effect of accumulation of clinical experience and seniority of clinical practice on CPM was limited among general physicians, except for clinical specialty on anesthesiology, hematology-oncology, or radiation oncology. 任由医师完全靠临床经验的累积来改进疼痛处理的知识与态度,其效果有限,但麻醉科、血液肿瘤科或放射肿瘤科的医师例外。
- Chen Chuanben, male, born in 1964, graduated from Fujian Medical College in 1986; Associate Senior Physician, department of radiation oncology (head and neck section); Head of Quality Control office. 1964年出生,1986年毕业于福建医科大学,现任质量控制办公室主任、头颈肿瘤放疗病区副主任医师。