- radiation setting coating [化] 射线固化涂料
- The study gives priority to tone with reseda, pure and fresh and natural, additional set coat ark, convenient store content. 书房以浅绿色为主调,清新自然,另设有大衣柜,方便储物。
- Gem is corollaceous, necklace, bracelet, dangler and ring all without exception are radiative set off figure, fine-looking, elegant the ray with grade. 珠宝花冠、项链、手镯、耳环和戒指无不放射着映衬身材、美貌、优雅和品位的光线。
- Lead aprons shield people from radiation. 铅做的工作裙可使人免进辐射。
- Radiation reached unheard-of levels. 辐射作用已达到前所未有的程度。
- Setting up this business was a bit of a gamble. 开办这样的公司有点冒险。
- Twist the knob to the right setting. 把旋钮拧到适当的定位挡上。
- Setting out it business is no easy job. 开始做生意可不是容易的活儿。
- We recovered lost time by setting out early. 我们提前出发从而把损失的时间补了回来。
- The river burned crimson in the setting sun. 河流被落日映照成深红色。
- The setting sun glorified the scene. 落日使景色更美。
- The earth's atmosphere filters out much of the sun's radiation. 地球大气层可以滤掉太阳的大部分射线。
- With the setting of the sun, night comes silently. 随着太阳的落下,夜晚悄悄地来到。
- Mrs Smith enjoys setting people at loggerheads. 史密斯太太喜欢挑拨离间。
- Each place setting shall have two glasses. 每套餐具应包括两个玻璃杯。
- In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation. 在这次事故中,工人受到大剂量的辐射。
- The most terrifying aspect of nuclear bombing is radiation. 核弹轰炸最可怕的一面是辐射。
- The teacher was busy setting a paper. 老师正忙于出考题。
- The play has its setting in Vienna. 该剧以维也纳为背景。
- The body cannot tolerate such large amounts of radiation. 身体经不住那么大剂量的放射线。