- The ratio of the radiation emitted by a surface to the radiation emitted by a blackbody at the same temperature. 发射率在同一温度下一表面发射的辐射量与一黑体发射的辐射量的比例
- Max Planck was analyzing how the radiation emitted from a body was related to its temperature, in other words, he was analyzing the energy of a wave. 马克斯·普朗克分析与温度有关的身体如何辐射,换句话说,他分析波能。
- An image recorded on a photographic film or plate produced by the radiation emitted from a specimen, such as a section of tissue, that has been treated or injected with a radioactively labeled isotope or that has absorbed or ingested such an isotope. 自动射线照相通过一个标本发出辐射而产生于照相胶卷上或底片上的影象,比如组织的一部分,经过处理或用放射性标记的同位素注射或吸收或吞入这样一种同位素
- Because of the wide variety of radiation emitted,the method could be perfected and extended,so that it makes it possible,not oniy to discover radioactive materials,but also to distinguish them from each other with certainty. 由于有各种各样的射线放射,这种方法还应加以完善和发展,这样我们不仅可以用它来发现新的放射性物质,而且可以用它准确地将它们区分开来。
- Because of the wide variety of radiation emitted, the method could be perfected and extended, so that it makes it possible, not oniy to discover radioactive materials, but also to distinguish them from each other with certainty. 由于有各种各样的射线放射,这种方法还应加以完善和发展,这样我们不仅可以用它来发现新的放射性物质,而且可以用它准确地将它们区分开来。
- It is because one type of radiation emitted by the sun, ultraviolet (UVR), is believed to cause genetic changes in the developing baby that may have a shaping effect, either beneficial or harmful. 因为,太阳所发出的一种光线叫作紫外线(UVR),它可以造成胚胎期的婴儿的基因变化,从而造成可感知的后果,这种后果有好有坏。
- Lead aprons shield people from radiation. 铅做的工作裙可使人免进辐射。
- It is now unlawful for factories to emit black smoke into the air. 工厂向大气中排放黑烟现在是违法的。
- Radiation reached unheard-of levels. 辐射作用已达到前所未有的程度。
- radiation emitted from the phones while connecting 手机连接网络时所产生的辐射
- To function as a laser; emit coherent radiation by the action of a laser. 放射激光起激光器作用,通过激光的运转发射连续的射线
- The radiations emitted from 75 cathode-ray tubes (CRT) of color-televisionsand 30 Video-Display Terminals (VDT) of personal-compaters were measured. 本文介绍了对不同牌号、不同规格的75台彩色电视机和30台计算机视屏周围辐射水平的测量结果。
- radiation emitted from computer screens 电脑屏幕辐射
- The earth's atmosphere filters out much of the sun's radiation. 地球大气层可以滤掉太阳的大部分射线。
- Fireflies emit light but not heat. 萤火虫发光但不放出热。
- Animal bodies emit perspiration. 动物身体会出汗。
- Delete the current emitter library? 删除当前的发射器库吗?
- Do you know the distance to a light emitter? 那么你怎样知道一个灯光投射器的距离值呢?
- In the accident, the workers received a heavy dose of radiation. 在这次事故中,工人受到大剂量的辐射。
- The emitter has two methods to send events. 发射器有两种发送事件的方法。