- The quiet zone performance not only characterizes the performance of radio anechoic chamber,but also is a key factor for designing the anechoic chamber. 静区性能是电波暗室综合性能的体现,也是暗室设计的关键。
- Design of Radio Anechoic Chamber with High Quiet Zone Performance 高静区指标电波暗室的优化设计
- The Quiet Zone Performance and Key Design of Radio Anechoic Chamber 电波暗室静区性能及其设计关键
- radio anechoic chamber 电波暗室
- A NSA model of impact anechoic chamber ispresented herein theoretically. 文章首先经过推导和计算,得出了一套计算紧缩型暗室的归一化场地衰减(NSA)理论值模型。
- Radio frequency anechoic chamber 射频暗室
- The paper measures the electromagnetic leakages of computer in GTEM cell and EMC microwave anechoic chamber. 针对计算机及其外设的电磁泄漏问题,分别在GTEM室和EMC室进行了相关测量。
- EMC lab has a 10m anechoic chamber, which is up to international advanced level. 电磁兼容(EMC)实验室建有国际先进水平的标准10米法电波暗室。
- Maintain test and measurement area, including anechoic chamber, rooftop measurement area, and listening rooms. 维护所有测试配置和听音设备及电缆。
- It is the important reference for the evaluation of fully anechoic chamber performances. 为评估全电波暗室的性能提供重要技术依据。
- EM shielded room, anechoic chamber, EMC testing software, wire netting, antenna conducting fiber shield tape. 电磁屏蔽室、电波暗室EMC测试软件金属丝网、天线导电纤维屏蔽胶带;
- CSI provide professional building services for all sizes of anechoic chamber and shielding room, we also provide testing system verification service. CSI提供制造各类型尺寸的专业电波暗室和屏蔽室以及测试系统的校验服务。
- The results of experiments done in anechoic chamber have shown that DAA has effective performances which just provide the fundation and feasibility of practical use. 在消声室的实验结果表明它具有较好的声吸收性能,为其应用作了初步的可行性研究。
- In calculation of reflected level of quiet zone in anechoic chamber, a spot emission model is often used to simulate antennas characteristic. 在微波暗室静区反射电平计算时常采用点源发射模型模拟天线的特性,它适用于低频段或方向性差的天线。
- Construction level of shielding chamber and installation method of absorbing material can directly influence performance of anechoic chamber. 屏蔽室的建造水平及吸波材料的安装方式直接影响着电波暗室的性能。
- With the reduction of operation frequency, the height of thepyramidal absorber in the microwave anechoic chamber will increase correspondingly. 随着使用频率的降低,微波暗室角锥吸收体的高度也相应增加。
- SMD Components, Total EMC Solution and Anechoic Chamber, Power Supply, LIP Battery Cells, Core, Transformer, Inverter, etc. SMD部件,EMC整体解决方案,电波暗室,电源,锂电子电池电芯,磁芯,变压器,转换器等
- The material is used in EMC room, anechoic chamber, RF imitate cell, microwave dark box, pretender material for anti-radar and defense baffle from absorber etc. 它们可安装于“EMC”电波暗室,射频仿真室、天线测试室、微波暗箱、防伪装雷达、吸波屏风等处,同时对电子系统工程进行施工安装。具有较高的使用价值和长远的发展前景。
- A wall reflection model is established to meet accuracy requirements of radar tests,and it can be used to compute the maximum reflectance of a single wall in an anechoic chamber. 建立了墙面反射模型,用于根据雷达精度试验的要求计算微波暗室单个墙面的最大反射系数。
- Anechoic chamber is the primary test site of electromagnetic radiation measurement, also the important facility for antenna and wave propagation research. 电波暗室是辐射电磁场的主要测量场地,也是研究天线与电波传播特性的重要试验设施。