- Orbiting Radio Astronomical Observatory 正在轨道上运行的无线电天体观测台
- radio astronomical observatory 射电天文台
- It at first is an astronomical observatory. 它原先是一个天文台。
- Welcome to Mail System of Yunnan Astronomical Observatory! 欢迎进入云南天文台电子邮件系统!
- There is a small network of rhombus in Tokyo Astronomical Observatory. 在东京天文台有一个小的菱形台网。
- Near the church is Sheshan astronomical observatory which has been changed into an astronomical museum. 这里曾经两次观测到哈累彗星,一个相当了不起的记录。
- Now, the MK5A system has been successfully applied in all VLBI experiments of Shanghai Astronomical Observatory. 目前,MK5A终端系统已经成功地应用于上海天文台所有的VLBI实验。
- Their mission was to reach Tahiti before June 1769, establish themselves among the islanders, and construct an astronomical observatory. 他们的任务是在1769年6月前抵达塔西提岛,融入当地岛民中,建立天文观测站。
- A PC-based high-speed VLBI data recording and playback unit named CVN harddisk system was developed at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory recently. CVN硬盘系统是上海天文台VLBI技术实验室自行研制的VLBI数据高速记录与回放系统。
- They corrected Chinese ideas of astronomy and under their direction Chinese workmen constructed an astronomical observatory equal to any in Europe. 他们更正了中国人关于天文学的概念,而且在他们的指导下,中国工匠建造了一座规模不输给欧洲的天文台。
- Especially the signification in astrometry of the IAU Symposium 248 held at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory in October 2007 are described. 特别描述了2007年10月在上海天文台召开的国际天文学联合会第248次讨论会的意义和作用。
- In addition to the church, the Jesuits erected two smaller buildings, an astronomical observatory and a library as part of the complex. 此外还建造天象台一座和图书馆数间,规模都不很大。
- A brief development history and the capability of VLBI terminal system at Shanghai Astronomical Observatory are reviewed. 简要阐述了上海天文台VLBI终端系统的发展历史与性能;
- According to astronomy experts of the Zijin Mountain Astronomical Observatory, the speed at the time of collision between the 21 nuclei and Jupiter will be as high as 60 km/s. 据紫金山天文台的天文专家介绍,这颗彗星的二十一颗彗核与木星碰撞时的速度高达每秒六十公里。
- In the laser engineering or the determining of the site of an astronomical observatory, it is needed to study the profile of atmospheric turbulence、wind、temperature and press. 在激光工程以及天文台选址中,需要对大气湍流以及风、温度和气压等大气参数廓线作深入定量的研究。
- Another theory is that Stonehenge is an ancient astronomical observatory, charting the movement of the stars which men believed controlled their destinies. 更有甚者说这是古代天文台,是那些相信星星的运动能控制自身命运的人用来制作星图的。
- Paris astronomical observatory's Eric Michelle believed that this new technology enabled us the star which discovered these 50 years ago to have the new understanding. 巴黎天文台的埃里克米歇尔认为,这项新技术使我们对那些50年前发现的恒星有了新的认识。
- As a radio astronomical observation technology with very high space resolution, Very Long Baseline Interferometry(VLBI) has been widely used in the high accuracy deep space probe tracking activities. 甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI)是重要的射电天文技术,具有极高的空间分辨率,是国际上广泛采用的深空探测器高精度测量手段。
- It must be known to any kind of radio astronomer in the universe. 这个频率是宇宙中任何射电天文学家都应该熟悉的。
- A yellow light curve of this short-period (P=0.d935298) binary based On 960 photoelectric observations using the 60-cm reflector at the Xinglong station of the Beijing Astronomical Observatory turned out to be of Algol type. 用北京天文台兴隆60厘米镜于1977年取得此星960个黄光光电测光观测点,光变曲线呈大陵五型。