- "Such noise generally affects the amplitude of a radio wave But not its frequency, so an FM signal remains virtually unchanged. 噪音信号只影响无线电波的振幅而不影响其频率,因此,调频信号可以基本上保持不变。
- Eventually, they discovered that the alternator in the car was operating at a frequency which was a multiple of that of the radio wave being used for communication. 最终;他们发现车上的交流电机运行的频率正好是和交流电波频率的整倍数.
- The sun sometimes spoils the propagation of radio waves. 太阳有时会影响无线电波的传播。
- We directed radio waves around the globe. 我们向全球发射无线电波。
- These radio waves are coming at 15000 hertz. 这些无线电波以每秒 15 千赫的波长发出。
- Coming through the sky like a satellite, like a radio wave, a meteorite. 穿过天空,像一枚卫星,一束电波,一颗陨石。
- The universe is bathed in a sea of radio waves. 宇宙浸泡在无线电波的海洋中。
- Both the quick-algorithm of radio wave reflation are presented in the paper. 本文提出了电波折射误差快速算法及修正。
- The propagation characteristics of the indoor radio wave with an important frequency of about 2.4 GHz in the radio intranet of IEEE 802.11b were analyzed by the two-dimension FDTD (finite-different time-domain)method. 采用二维时域有限差分 (FDTD)法分析了在家具存在情况下无线局域网IEEE80 2 .;11b的一个重要工作频段 (2
- Radio waves travel in straight lines. 无线电波是直线传播的。
- The coefficient of variation (CV) of slow wave frequency and abnormal rhythm index (ARI) increased obviously. 慢波频率变异系数(CV)及异常节律指数(ARI)显著增加;
- Heinrich Hertz produces radio waves. 海因里希。赫兹制造出无线电波。
- The radiation wave frequency of semiconductor laser is shifted correspondently when the injecting current is changed. 半导体异质结激光器在注入的电流发生变化时,输出激光的光频也随之改变。
- We consider radio waves as radiant energy. 我们把无线电波看作是辐射能。
- Radio waves are regarded as radiant energy. 无线电波被看成是辐射能。
- The next page explains radio waves and modulation. 下一页解释无线电波和调变。
- The researchers may through expose the waterdrop under the different sound wave frequency may control its vibrational frequency. 研究人员可通过将水滴暴露于不同的声波频率下可以控制其振动频率。
- This page describes radio waves and modulation. 本页描述无线电波和调变。
- Radio waves could be reflected from solid objects. 无线电波可以被坚固的物体反射。
- The relation between collisional absorption of the EM-wave and the plasma density, plasma collision frequency, and incident wave frequency is obtained. 给出了不均匀非磁化等离子体密度、等离子体碰撞频率、电磁波频率与碰撞吸收的关系。