- The rain water drips from the roof. 雨水从屋顶滴下来。
- The gutter took away the rain water from the roof. 檐沟把从屋顶流下的雨水带走。
- Rain water collected in the drainpipe. 雨水积聚在排水道里。
- That is a barrel to catch rain water. 那是一个接雨水的木桶。
- The rain water bites into iron pipes. 雨水腐蚀铁管子。
- Has the rain water sunk in the ground? 雨水渗入地下了吗?
- The rain water bites into iron pipes . 雨水腐蚀铁管子。
- The rain water soaks into the dry fields. 雨水滋润着干涸的田野。
- The rain water drips from the eaves. 雨水滴下屋檐。
- He erected some contrivance for storing rain water. 他装设了一种贮存雨水的器具.
- Washing trike with rain water on the road. 清洗自己的爱车,而地上就是一滩下雨的积水。
- Most people use a barrel to catch rain water. 大多数人用木桶接雨水。
- Rain water and bottled drinking water are the best. 雨水和瓶装饮用水是最好的。
- Numerical simulation method is firstlyadopted to describe the well pattern course of water flood ing-polymer flooding-WAG. 首次采用数值模拟方法描述了水驱-聚合物驱-气水交替驱井组驱替过程;
- Application of RST to Water flooded Field. RST测井在水驱油藏中的应用
- A small cistern was dug beneath this opening to hold rain water. 在下面找到一个小贮水器接雨水。
- After the rice sprouts, it needs abundant rain water to grow well. 谷芽萌发后,需要充足的雨水才能生长良好。
- If any one open his ditches to water his crop, but is careless, and the water flood the field of his neighbor, then he shall pay his neighbor corn for his loss. 如果任何一个人利用开挖沟渠以浇灌他的收成,但是不小心淹没了他邻居的田地,则他将赔偿邻居玉米作为损失。
- Astonished, joyful, the stochastic warm current well ups, begins is only supinely wants to let inside the eye the hot water flood inside the eye socket. 惊愕,喜悦,随机一股暖流涌上心头,仰起头只是想让眼里面的热水在眼眶里面满溢。
- Then rain waters can rush unchecked to the valley bellow. 于是雨水会肆元忌惮地冲向下面的山谷。