- rainfall influent seepage 降雨入渗
- After that,river way influent seepage and sand pit influent seepage simulation are researched at western outskirt in Beijing. 在此基础上进行了西郊地区河道入渗和砂石坑入渗模拟研究。
- The Q3al, Q4eol and basement groundwater flow subsystems receive the influent seepage recharge from the meteoric water, and then discharge at the eastern edge of Q3al. Q3al、Q4eol及基岩潜水流动子系统都接受大气降水入渗补给;最终通过Q3al的东侧边界排入黄河.
- The mean yearly rainfall is20 inches. 每年平均降雨量是二十英寸。
- This area has very low rainfall. 这个地区雨量稀少。
- (3) in the north basin, groundwater gets water from surface water through irrigation in agricultural land or gets water from river influent seepage through riverbed. (3)北部盆地,在金塔灌区,地下水主要接受引水灌溉入渗补给;在金塔灌区到额济纳旗,河流入渗转化为地下水。
- The rainfall averages 36 inches a year. 年降雨量平均为36英寸。
- Excessive rainfall had made the harvest impossible. 雨量过多,丰收已经不可能了。
- There was another rainfall early this morning. 今天清晨又下了一场雨。
- The rainfall there averages 300 mm a year. 那儿的年降雨量平均每年为三百毫米。
- influent seepage 渗漏
- Characterized by heavy rainfall; rainy. 多雨的以雨量很大为特征的; 多雨的
- the phreatic groundwater both in the diluvial fan of the Qingtongxia gorge and in the fluvial plain is mainly recharged by the influent seepage of irrigation water from the Yellow River. 青铜峡洪积扇单一潜水及冲湖积平原上覆潜水,主要接受黄河灌溉水的入渗补给。
- Ample sunshine and rainfall are bringing the crops on nicely. 充足的阳光和雨水正使庄稼茁壮地生长。
- Rainfall is about average for the time of year. 对一年中的这个时候来说,降雨量还算普通。
- Social sub- cultures influent teenager deeply. 社会亚文化对青少年有着广泛而深刻的影响。
- A rainfall will settle the dust on the road. 一场雨使马路上的尘埃落定。
- Q: Which factors will influent one to finish it? 哪些因素会影响我们完成这道题?
- Frogs began to croak with the rainfall. 一下雨青蛙就开始呱呱地叫起来。
- I intend to dig a seepage pit in the courtyard. 我打算在院子里挖一口渗井。