- The urban rainfall runoff pollution originates from the precipitation,the urban surface and the drainage system. 城市降水径流污染中的污染物主要来自降水、城市地表和排水系统。
- Rainfall runoff is the main factor affecting the formation of nonpoint pollution. 降雨径流是形成非点源污染的主要影响因素。
- The formula is superior to existing formulae, and it can be used in the research of muddy irrigation, rainfall runoff and erosion processes in watershed. 这一成果对流域降雨产汇流、壤侵蚀机理研究及浑水灌溉研究与应用具有一定的价值。
- Small-scale runoff field, water collection terrace and mini-scale water collectionarea are the three most effective and universal ways of the rainfall runoff collection-storage. 小型径流场、流梯田和微型集水区是当前使用最多、果最好的降雨径流集存形式。
- The researches on decreasing the pollution loads in rainfall runoff with PAM and functional materials of zeolite to improve the soil was accomplished using the simulated set. 建立模拟降雨装置,研究降雨条件下功能性材料与聚合物对降水土壤渗透性与地表径流污染负荷的影响。
- In general, the first contaminant concentration of rainfall runoff is high and the contaminant concentration is decreasing, with the time of rainfall prolonging. 一般规律是降水径流初始污染物浓度高,随着降水历时的延长,降水径流污染物浓度逐渐降低。
- The relationship of erosion and sediment yield and the effect of rainfall runoff on sediment delivery ratio of basin system are discussed based on data of Dalihe in the gullied hilly loess areas. 根据大理河流域水文测验资料,探讨了黄土丘陵沟壑区流域系统泥沙输移比的年际与次降雨时空变化特征和次降雨径流对泥沙输移比的影响及影响次降雨泥沙输移比的暴雨洪水能量转换机制。
- Influence on Rainfall Runoff by Vegetative Cover 森林植被对降水径流的影响
- rainfall runoff infiltration of caving area 崩落区降雨迳流渗入量
- Forecast on Rainfall Runoff Process for Partial Area 田湾河大发电站闸址深厚覆盖层勘探的实践
- Design and Implementation of Distributed Rainfall Runoff Forecasting 分布式降雨径流预报系统的设计与实现
- The mean yearly rainfall is20 inches. 每年平均降雨量是二十英寸。
- This area has very low rainfall. 这个地区雨量稀少。
- The rainfall averages 36 inches a year. 年降雨量平均为36英寸。
- The Pollution of Urban Rainfall Runoff and Analyse on Best Controlling Pratices of It 城市降雨径流污染及最佳治理方案探讨
- Application of SCS Model to Estimate the Volume of Rainfall Runoff in Sloping Field of Purple Soil SCS模型在紫色土坡地降雨径流量估算中的运用
- Characteristics of nitrogen and phosphorus loss of rainfall runoff in typical plain river-net area of Taihu Lake Basin 太湖流域典型平原河网区降雨径流氮磷流失特征分析
- Excessive rainfall had made the harvest impossible. 雨量过多,丰收已经不可能了。
- There was another rainfall early this morning. 今天清晨又下了一场雨。
- The rainfall there averages 300 mm a year. 那儿的年降雨量平均每年为三百毫米。