- rainwater resource potential 集雨资源潜力
- rainwater resources potential 雨水资源潜力
- High efficient utilization of rainwater resource is very important for the economic development in arid and semiarid areas where surface water and ground water are shortage. 合理高效地利用雨水资源对西北干旱半干旱地区尤其是地表水缺乏地下水不易利用地区的经济发展具有十分重要的意义。
- It lays the foundation of utilization of the urban rainwater resources. 为城市雨水资源的利用提供了依据。
- There is still greater development potentiality in combination with the feasible potential of rainwater resources in Sanchuanhe River basin. 从流域雨水资源可实现潜力来看,三川河流域的雨水资源还有较大的开发利用潜力。
- During this development process,urban rainwater resources was a effiective method for saving the shortage of water resource. 西北地区在推进城镇化建设中,宜把城市雨水资源化作为城市节水的方向之一。
- The software can produce groundwater resource potential subarea map by evaluation index value. 该软件可根据评价指标域值,生成地下水资源潜力分区图。
- Poyang Lake has a great deal of natural resource potential and a strong influence upon the environment . 鄱阳湖湿地具有较大的资源潜力和环境调节功能,生物多样性丰富;
- The exploitation of the urban rainwater resources has already studied and availably used in foreign country,which was fall behind in our country. 国外较早地开展并已有效地利用了城市雨水,而我国起步比较晚。
- Utilization of rainwater resource 雨水资源利用
- There have been lots of rainwater waste because of lacking in research on rainwater resources utilization and in perfect engineering technology in Baoding area. 目前,保定市对直接用于农业生产的雨水资源尚未进行深入细致的研究,而且雨水资源的利用工程技术措施尚不完备,这种情况造成了雨水资源的浪费。
- Current urban rainwater runoff model can t better solve the problem of the flood disaster in cities, and, in some sense and causes the waste of urban rainwater resources. 基于雨水资源化思想的城市雨水资源化径流模型可对降雨加以充分调蓄和利用,有助于解决城市洪涝灾害和水资源短缺问题。
- The utilization of urban rainwater resources can solve the problem of urban water resources crisis and bring a series of good eco-environmental effects. 充分利用城市降水资源;实施雨水资源化.;一条既经济快捷又广泛有效的途径;并可带来一系列生态环境效应。
- The exploitation of the Sanmenxia wetland eco-tourism sustainable development and principle of ecological security, full excavate resource potential and develop diversity production. 黄河三门峡湿地生态旅游开发要坚持可持续发展和生态安全原则,充分挖掘资源潜力,开发多元化的旅游产品。
- Sidetracking slimhole drilling technology is successfully applied in Zhongyuan oilfield in order to contain the well condition worsen,trap the resource potential and increase the penetration rate. 在小井眼开窗侧钻工艺中成功应用复合钻井技术,钻井速度提高了66%25,选择合理的钻具组合可对井眼轨迹进行有效的控制。
- Application in shallow layer groundwater resource evaluation for low reaches of the Yellow River shows that it can help professional personnel to analyse and evaluate groundwater resource potential. 通过黄河下游浅层地下水资源潜力评价的应用表明,本软件可辅助专业人员进行地下水资源潜力分析评价。
- The paper analyzes the situation of water resources situation and facility agriculture, and puts forward the developing prospects to fully utilize the rainwater resources in the facility agriculture. 文中分析了河北省水资源现状及其设施农业状况,提出了设施农业中充分利用雨水资源具有非常广阔的发展前景。
- The investigation result shows the new recognition of ore-forming condition and the resources potential for Dahutang orefield. 大调查成果对江西北部特别是九岭成矿带大湖塘钨矿田的成矿条件和资源潜力有了新的认识。
- This paper introduces in detail the method of assessing China's tin resources potential by using the geochemical block concept and the results of RGNR. 本文详细介绍了根据地球化学块体的概念、利用中国区域化探扫面的成果对中国锡资源潜力评价的方法技术;
- The rainwater drips from the eaves. 雨水从屋檐滴下。