- rainwater use in cities 城市雨水利用
- I learned what expressions to use in public. 我懂得在公共场所中应使用什么措辞。
- Sled pulled by dog is in common use in the Arctic. 狗拉的雪橇在北极地区很常用。
- You're no use in the choir you cant sing a note! 你对合唱团毫无益处--你简直唱不成调!
- This machine has a universal use in the home. 这种机器在家庭中有广泛的用途。
- This method has come into wide use in this area. 这方法在这一地区已被广泛使用。
- But there is no use in grumbling. 可抱怨有什么用呢。
- He'll be able to put his experience to good use in the new job. 他能在新的工作中把他的经验派上用场了。
- Difficult books are sometimes adapted for use in schools. 较难的书有时经改写供中小学用。
- Flashes are not allowed to be used in this museum. 这个博物馆里不准使用闪光灯。
- Could this verb be used in progressive form? 这个动词可以用进行式吗?
- There is a standard form of oath used in lawcourts. 法庭中使用的誓词有固定的格式。
- A roll of postage stamps prepared for use in a vending machine. 一卷邮票准备用于自动售货机的一卷邮票
- It is used in answer to inquiries about health. 这个词常用以回答有关健康的询问。
- In this paper, the design demand and structures used in city rail s EMU bogie are analyzed in detail. 对城市地铁车辆转向架的设计要求和常用结构型式作了较为详细的分析,并提出了一种城市地铁车辆转向架的推荐方案。
- Borax is always used in making glass. 硼砂常被用来做玻璃制品。
- Graphite is used in making lead pencils. 石墨常被用来做成铅笔。
- FRP barrier is used in city road green belt.Its successful experiences and inadequate points are summed up in this article. 本文就玻璃钢护栏在城市道路绿化带上应用的成功经验和不足之处进行了总结。
- Abstract: Liveable city alley green car are commonly used in city alley clean process on the urban and city living roads. 可居住城巷环保车在城市道路及居住城巷的环境清洁过程中得到广泛应用。
- The meaning of a word is determined by its actual use in a sentence. 字的意义要由它在句子中的实际用法来确定。