- To raise a monument with their youth. 把青春塑成一座纪念碑。
- They raised a monument to the national hero. 他们为那位民族英雄树了纪念碑。
- Death comes to all, but great achievements raise a monument which shall endure until the sun grows cold. 死亡无人能免,但非凡的成就就会树起一座纪念碑,它将一直到太阳冷却之时。
- They have raised a monument in memory of the great writer. 他们修建了一座纪念碑来纪念这位伟大的作家。
- Those workers are raising a monument to that fireman who lost his life in that big fire. 工人们正在为那位在大火中牺牲的救火队员建纪念碑。
- A monument was erected in front of the town hall. 一座纪念碑在市政厅前建起。
- A monument was built to commemorate the victory. 为了纪念胜利,建造了一座纪念碑。
- A monument was dedicated to the memory of the national hero. 人们建立了一座纪念碑以纪念这位民族英雄。
- A monument to the national hero is erect here after the war. 战後在这儿竖起了民族英雄纪念碑。
- His actions are a monument to foolishness. 他的行为是愚蠢的典型例子。
- A monument to the national heroes was erected here after the war. 战後在这儿竖起了民族英雄纪念碑。
- They dedicated a monument in memory of those who died in the great earthquake. 他们为悼念死于大地震的人们建造纪念碑。
- He told a runny story to raise a laugh. 为引人发笑,他讲了一个滑稽的故事。
- Now let me however, raise a single warning, ours is a very powerful opposition. 现在,让我提醒大家,我们是一个强有力的反对党。
- He is always raising a stink about this, that or the other thing. 他总是为了这个、那个的大吵大闹,什麽事都有得吵,有得闹。
- It was selected as the site for a monument. 这被选为立碑的地点。
- I will admit you raise a serious problem. 我愿承认你提出来的是一个严重的问题。
- I will not raise a hand against you. 我不会做任何不利于你的事。
- At the center of the square stands a monument. 在广场中心矗立着一座纪念碑。
- It's difficult raising a family on a small income. 依靠微薄的收入是很难养家的。