- He raised an objection to the plan. 他对这个计划提出异议。
- Sometimes I prefer to say nothing because to raise an objection, may cause an offence. 有时候,我更愿意保持缄默,因为一旦提出异议,势必会得罪他人。
- To lodge claim, to defense, to raise an objection of the court, to compromise, to file a counterclaim, to file an appeal, to admit, waive or modify claims. 提起、变更、放弃诉讼请求,提出抗辨,提出管辖异议,进行调解,提起反诉、上诉。
- The union delegate raised an objection to the wording of the agreement. 工会代表对协议的措词提出异议。
- The union delegate raised an objection to the wording of the agreement . 工会代表对协议的措词提出异议。
- Public may not have sufficient time to fully understand the details of the project and make a decision on whether or not to raise an objection. 公众可能缺乏足够时间全面理解项目详情,从而决定是否提出反对。
- She became an object of worship. 她成了一个被崇拜的对象。
- What an object you look in that old hat! 你戴著那顶帽子,样子可真怪!
- An object designed to be pulled out. 为被拉出而设计的物体
- A measure of the heaviness of an object. 重量一个物体的重量的度量法
- She did not so much as raise an eyebrow. 她甚至连眉毛也不抖动一下。
- Doing work means moving an object from place to place. 做功意味着把物体从一个地方移动到另一个地方。
- An upward force must be exerted on it so as to lift an object. 要提起重物必须向它施加一个向上的力。
- SIGNAL allows you to raise an exception. SIGNAL允许您引发例外。
- An object of ridicule; a laughingstock. 有趣之事滑稽可笑的事物; 笑柄
- Only she can raise an impact on him. 他就听她的。
- He raise an advisable and practical advice. 他提出了明智的和可行的建议.
- A fixed movement or tendency toward an object or end. 定势朝着一个目标或终点的确定性的运动或趋势
- raise an objection; take exception to; challenge 提出异议
- Let this accident be an object lesson in the dangers of drinking and driving. 这一事故可以作为醉酒驾驶危害的实际教训。