- Reckon I can ask for a pay raise? 你看我可以要求增加工资吗?
- The strikers cried for a raise of pay. 罢工的人要求提高工资。
- The pay raise will be offset by inflation. 增加的工资会被通货膨胀所抵销。
- She had to scrimp and save to pay for her holiday. 她不得不为付假期的费用而苦苦攒钱。
- If you go to a private hospital you must pay. 如果你去一家私立医院就诊,你得付费。
- He is going to go out and raise hob. 他今晚要出去纵情狂欢了。
- I shall have to prod him to pay me what he owes. 我将不得不催促他把欠我的钱还给我。
- I will pay nothing under compulsion. 在强迫之下我分文也不愿付。
- Several companies gang up to raise prices. 几家大公司串通一气抬高物价。
- Father said he'd raise the wind somehow. 父亲说他将设法弄到所需要的钱。
- Joel wanted to pay William off for backbiting him. 乔尔因威廉在背后说他坏话而要对他进行报复。
- Her tearful family came to pay their last respects. 她全家含泪前来向死者告别。
- The Detroit auto workers went out for higher pay. 底特律的汽车工人为争取提高工资而罢工。
- He was so weak from hunger he could hardly raise his meagre arms. 他饿得虚弱无力,连骨瘦如柴的胳膊都举不起来。
- Unwaged members pay a lower entrance fee. 无固定收入的人入场费从优。
- Raise your hands up straight so that I can count. 请将手举直,以便我好清点人数。
- We had to scrimp and save to pay the bills. 我们得省吃俭用来付帐。
- I'll tackle the boss for a raise. 我将与老板交涉要求增加薪水。
- I almost forget to pay the phone bill. 我几乎忘记电话费用。
- I pocketed my pride and asked for a raise. 我压抑我的自尊心要求加薪