- He is a farmer and raises pigs and chickens. 他是个农民,养活猪和鸡。
- They have also done well in raising pigs. 他们养猪也养得好。
- "We raise pig means to raise kind unlike the circle of current and other hoggery. “我们养猪方式不同于目前其他养猪场的圈养方式。
- Mr. Shi adjusts his catheter with weather-beaten hands. The elderly man has to farm the fields and raise pigs, because he must support his mentally ill granddaughter at home. 石爷爷用饱受风霜的手调整导尿管,年岁已大的他,还必须下田务农养猪,因为家里还有一位患有精神疾病的孙女要扶养。
- At another kind of operation, producers raise pigs for about six weeks. When the animals weigh eighteen to twenty seven kilograms they are sold to a finish farm. 另外一种养殖方式是,养殖者将猪崽一直养到六个周,也就是当猪体重达十八到二十七公斤时,将猪卖到最终养殖场去。
- Afterwards appeared 1995 " it is difficult to sell a hog " later, raise pig door to be hit flintily again by the market this year. 继1995年出现“卖猪难”之后,今年养猪户再次受到市场无情的打击。
- Strengthen healthy education and healthy quarantine,to raise pigs in sty were effective measures of controlling the critical epidemic situation in Dali region. 大理地区旋毛虫病未得到有效控制,应该加强健康教育、严格肉类卫生检疫、提倡圈养猪。
- They also raised pigs and chickens,which means extra income. 他们还养猪养鸡,这也增加了他们的收入。
- The more developed agricultural town, the existing solar greenhouse, vegetables 50 greenhouses, aquaculture in order to raise pigs and sheep, mainly rabbitry. 全镇农业较发达,现有日光温室、蔬菜大棚50栋,养殖以养猪、养羊、养兔为主。
- They also raised pigs and chickens, which means extra income. 他们还养猪养鸡,这也增加了他们的收入。
- Divide outside decreasing to use food directly, popularize Sichuan and other places to develop hogwash to raise pig and succulence to raise the way of the pig even. 除减少直接用粮外,还要推广四川等地发展泔水养猪和青饲料养猪的做法。
- If the peasants had more grain on hand, they would have enough feed to raise pigs, and the amount of draught animals would gradually increase since they would not be dying in such great numbers. 农民的口粮一增加,饲料就有保证,就可以养猪,大牲畜就可以不再死亡,而慢慢地发展起来。
- If the peasants had more grain on hand,they would have enough feed to raise pigs,and the amount of draught animals would gradually increase since they would not be dying in such great numbers. 农民的口粮一增加,饲料就有保证,就可以养猪,大牲畜就可以不再死亡,而慢慢地发展起来。
- The animal husbandry of Guangdong relies mainly on raising pig and poultry. 广东畜牧业以饲养生猪和家禽为主。
- His job is to raise pig. 他的工作是养猪。
- Young couple sees home of full quarter home raise a pig, the time that raises pig door passes very moistly, this ability begins to raise a pig. 小两口看全屯家家都养猪,养猪户的日子都过得很滋润,这才开始养猪。“听说一头猪净挣四百元哪。
- Comrade Yu Qiuli has told me that soldiers trained in raising pigs can readily find jobs. And drivers are in great demand. 余秋里同志告诉我,现在军队的养猪专业人员,一到地方就有用处,司机到地方是最受欢迎的。
- A pig raiser Zhang Ailan, after getting rich with loans, directly helped 400 families to eliminate poverty by raising pigs. 养猪专业户张爱兰贷款养猪致富后,通过一环带一环,直接带动了400户妇女养猪脱贫。
- He is going to go out and raise hob. 他今晚要出去纵情狂欢了。
- Comrade Yu Qiuli has told me that soldiers trained in raising pigs can readily find jobs. 余秋里同志告诉我,现在军队的养猪专业人员,一到地方就有用处