- raising interest rates policy 加息
- The Fed can be forced into raising interest rate soon, probably before yearend. 美联储很快会被迫升息,很可能就在年底之前。
- The automaker is expected to proceed with plans to sell loans for its financing division after raising interest rates. 接近尾声,可望着手计划出售贷款,其融资部后提高利率。
- Will the Central Bank raise interest rate? 央行是否加息?
- Raising interest rates and cutting spending too soon could easily shock economies and cause asset prices to collapse. 太快提升利率和减少消费都很容易导致经济震荡,并引发资产价格的崩溃。
- The Bank of Japan yesterday began a two-day policy board meeting amid political pressure not to raise interest rates. 昨日开始召开为期两天的政策会议。该机构正面临不要加息的政治压力。
- Mr Wang's comments coincided with signs that Beijing is easing its longstanding opposition to raising interest rates for the first time since 1995. 自1995年以来,中国政府一直反对升息。但有迹象表明,政府的这一立场首次开始弱化,而王先生的评论与此相一致。
- China's central bank has been raising interest rates to combat the price pressure, another factor that could be underpinning the yuan. 中国央行一直在通过上调利率来缓解物价压力,这也是给人民币带来支撑的可能因素之一。
- Exchange rate stability is, of course, the monetary policy objective. We therefore have no interest rate policy. 我们的货币政策目的是维持汇率稳定,因此我们没有利率政策。
- The bank is beholden to the state council and wide-ranging bureaucratic influence with little power to set interest rates or exchange rate policy. 这家银行目前受到国务院和多股官僚势力的控制,在制定利率或汇率政策方面没有什么权力。
- Despite a mid-week rebound, US stocks fell for a second week straight after Federal Reserve officials reignited concern the central bank will keep raising interest rates. 尽管本周中期有一些反弹,但自从美联储再次宣布中央银行将继续加息之后,美国股票已是连续两周下跌。
- Bank of England raises interest rates as economy sizzles. 经济形式良好,英国央行调高利率。
- Blanchard called on governments to increase fiscal stimulus efforts, and called for central banks to cut interest rates as much as possible, or even zero interest rate policy. 布兰查德呼吁各国政府加大财政刺激力度,并主张各国央行尽可能降息,甚至实施零利率政策。
- This could become a self-fulfilling prophecy, with flight from debt raising interest rates, necessitating ever more costly (and so less plausible) fiscal tightening. 这可能会成为自我应验的预言,因为逃离债务会退高利率,使代价更高(因而看上去不那麽合理的)财政紧缩成为必然。
- In raising interest rates this time, the central bank also gives commercial banks more freedom in setting their own interest rates, a significant move in liberalizing the rates. 距今央行最后一次加息是在1995年,上一次利率的改变是在2002年,降低利率是促进缓慢经济的增长。
- Obama's support strengthened the possibility that Bernanke will likely over time to maintain its low interest rate policy. 奥巴马的支持加强了一种可能性,就是伯南克将很有可能在一段时间内维持其低利率政策。
- On November 7th the Bank of Japan's governor, Toshihiko Fukui, gave warning that it would not wait for a build-up in inflation before raising interest rates, now at 0.25%. 11月7日,日本央行行长福井俊彦警告,央行不会座等通货膨胀加剧才加息,目前的利率为0.;25%25。
- The fed is not likely to raise interest rate very soon again. 联邦储备委员会最近不会马上又提高利率。
- The findings are that the interest rate policy has the sensitivity effect,the time-lag effect in short time and has negative effects on the stock market in a long time. 研究结果表明短期内股市对利率调整具有一定的敏感性、滞后性,但从长期来看利率变动与股市指数存在显著的负相关关系。
- The findings are that the interest rate policy has the sensitivity effect, the time-lag effect in short time and has negative effects on the stock market in a long time. 研究结果表明短期内股市对利率调整具有一定的敏感性、滞后性,但从长期来看利率变动与股市指数存在显著的负相关关系。