- It's the new rallying cry of a beleaguered nation. 这是一个陷入重重困境的国家新的集结号。
- The defense of the Church became a rallying cry for the conservative forces. 保卫都会成为保守势力的战斗口号。
- Given his skills and style, it is not surprising that he made unshakeable facts the rallying cry of his organization. 鉴于他的才能和风格,他把确凿的事实作为公司激励人心的口号是不足为奇的。
- No wonder "Yossarian Lives" became a popular rallying cry for many anti-war (Vietnam) demonstrations. 所以,"约塞连活下去"成为许多反(越南)战示威中的口号就不奇怪了。
- It was signed at 4.30am that morning. It was a wonderful and hilarious rallying cry. 消息写在那天凌晨4:30。多么鼓舞人心的战斗口号啊。
- This murder has served as a rallying cry for gays, who think the government should grant them greater protection. 这次谋杀为那些认为政府应该更多的保护同性恋的人们提供了集会的口号。
- Till the last dog dies became the rallying cry for our troops in the last days of the New Hampshire campaign. 在新罕布什尔州竞选活动最后几天,“鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已”成了我们竞选队伍的战斗口号。
- Not long after, a rallying cry for retaliation emerged in Chinese online discussion groups, blogs and bulletin boards. 不久,中国一些在线讨论区、博客和电子公告板开始号召实施报复。
- Rallying Cry : When the Captain's enemy is defeated, her cry boosts her fellowship's morale. 战斗口号:当指挥官的敌人被击败后;他的口号可以增加同伴的士气.
- Unfortunately there's no antonym of hapless, which makes it difficult to tell founders what to aim for. "Don't be hapless" is not much of rallying cry. 不幸的是“坐以待毙”没有合适的反义词,这就引起了点麻烦-在告诉创业者怎么做时,“别等死啊”可听不出一点豪情万丈。
- Actually, it's more demanding, challenging and specific about what to do than that, but it's a wonderful and hilarious rallying cry. 事实上这是不太可能的,这将会有很大的难度和挑战性,但是这就像一个能帮助球队重整士气的呐喊。
- A further breakaway faction from the CPM, the Naxalites, adopted as its rallying cry the slogan "China's chairman is our chairman". 从CPM进一步分离出来的纳萨尔派高喊“中国的主席是我们的主席”的口号。
- If Ethiopian troops remain, however, their presence will continue to be a major grievance and rallying cry for the insurgency. 如果埃塞俄比亚军队仍然留在都市中心,叛乱力量会继续以外国驻军为主要声讨内容,继续以此聚集力量。
- Cue an inspirational half-time team talk from the boss, a passionate rallying cry from the fans and the most amazing comeback of all time. 鼓舞人心的线索半时间谈论球队的老板,一个充满激情的口号从球迷和最令人惊讶的卷土重来的所有时间。
- The purported health threat of U.S. beef imports is a rallying cry South Korean producers invoke interchangeably with the far more imminent economic threat. 韩国的养牛业界人士造成了一种声势,指称进口美国牛肉会对健康构成威胁,而且进口美国牛肉还被视为一种更迫在眉睫的经济威胁。
- Hindraf’s rallying cry, Makal Sakthi, has become a political brand used by all Malaysians in the struggle against poverty, injustice and abuse of power. 照顾少数社群和所有族群的贫困人士,保障这些弱势群体的福利,本来就是国家的责任。
- Unfortunately tITe\'s no antonym of hapless, which dos it difficult to say searcheders what to aim for. \"Don\'t be hapless\" is not abundance of rallying cry. 不幸的是“坐以待毙”么有合适的反义词,这就导火索了点麻烦-在告诉守业者咋了做时,“别等死啊”可听不出一点豪情万丈。
- Then we have an overzealous politician, Khairy Jamaluddin, calling for Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin’s citizenship to be stripped.His rallying cry came at a demonstration attended by mostly UMNO members. 然后我们有凯里这样的狂热政治人物,他在一场几乎全是巫统党员出席的集会中,呼吁苏丹褫夺霹雳州务大臣尼查的公民权。
- The follow-up demonstrations in Urumqi the day after the riots erupted took place outside mosques, testifying to the rallying cry of religion for a growing number of Chinese Muslims. 在暴乱发生后一天,人们再次聚集在乌鲁木齐的清真寺外示威抗议,证明了越来越多的中国穆斯林的心声。
- Because everyone agrees that something big needs fixing and that the world expects action, calling the summit Bretton Woods 2 could yet come to be seen as a rallying cry for reform. 因为每个人都同意需要进行大的调整,全世界都希望采取切实举措,因此,把此次峰会称为”布林顿森林体系第二版”可以视作是对改革的迫切呼唤。